Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Voyager team and used in the maps. The locations and 
dimensions of all previously known features were measured 
again on the basis of the Cassini data and were corrected when 
necessary. The nomenclature proposed by the Cassini-ISS team 
was approved by the IAU [http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/]. 
In the time of writing the Phoebe map and the Enceladus atlas 
are available to the public through the Imaging Team's website 
[http://ciclops.org/maps]. The map tiles have been also archived 
as standard products in the Planetary Data System (PDS) 
Hapke, B., 1993, Theory of Reflectance Spectroscopy (Topics 
in Remote Sensing, vol. 3), Cambridge University Press, 
Cambridge, p. 272. 
Gehrke, S.; Wahlisch, M.; Lehmann, H.; et al., 2006: 
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the Software System “PIMap”. Lunar and Planetary Science 
XXXVII, Houston, Paper #1322. 
Greeley, R. and Batson, G., 1990, Planetary Mapping, 
Cambridge University Press. 
Kirk, R., 1997, 2002, 2003, Presentations to Cassini Surfaces 
Working Group. 
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Instrument Characteristics and Anticipated Scientific 
Investigations at Saturn, Space Science Review 115, 363-497. 
Porco, C.C., 34 co-authors, 2005. Cassini imaging science: 
initial results on Phoebe and Iapetus. Science 307, 1237-1242. 
Porco, C. C. and 24 co-authors, 2006, Cassini Observes the 
Active South Pole of Enceladus, Science 311, 1393-1401. 
Roatsch, T., Wählisch M., Schölten, F., Hoffmeister, A., Matz 
K.-D., Denk, T., Neukum G. Thomas, P., Helfenstein, P., and 
Porco, C., 2006, Mapping of the icy Saturnian satellites: First 
results from Cassini-ISS, Planetary Space Sciences 54, 1137 - 
Roatsch, T., Wählisch, M., Giese, B., Hoffmeister, A., Matz, 
K.-D., Schölten, F., Kuhn, A., Wagner, R., Neukum, G., 
Helfenstein, P. and, Porco, C., 2008a, High-resolution 
Enceladus atlas derived from Cassini-ISS images, Planetary 
Space Sciences 56, 109-116. 
Roatsch, T., Wählisch, M., Hoffmeister, A., Matz, K.-D., 
Schölten, F., Kersten, E.., Wagner, R., Denk, T., Neukum, G., 
and, Porco, C., 2008b, High-resolution Dione atlas derived from 
Cassini-ISS images, submitted to Planetary Space Sciences. 
Seidelmann, P.K., Archinal, B.A., A’heam, M.F., Conrad, A., 
Consolmagno, G.J., Hestroffer, D., Hilton, J.L., Krasinsky, 
G.A., Neumann, G., Oberst, J., Stooke, P., Tedesco, E.F., 
Tholen, D.J., Thomas, P.C., and Williams, I.P., 2007, Report of 
the IAU/IAG Working Group on cartographic coordinates and 
rotational elements: 2006, Celestial Mech Dyn Astr 98, 155— 
Snyder, J.P., 1987. Map Projections - A Working Manual. US 
Government Printing Office, Washington, p. 42. 
Thomas, P.C., Bums, J.A., Helfenstein, P., Squyres, S., 
Veverka, J., Porco, C., Turtle, E.P., McEwen, A., Denk, T., 
Giese, B., Roatsch, T., Johnson, T.V., Jacobson, R.A., 2007, 
Shapes of the Saturnian icy satellites and their significance, 
Icarus 179, 573-584. 
The authors acknowledge helpful discussions with J. Blue and 
R. Kirk (USGS).

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