Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

A. Dumke 1 *, M. Spiegel 1 , R. Schmidt 2 , G. Michael 1 , G. Neukum 1 
‘institute of Geosciences, Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing, Freie Universität Berlin, 
Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany - 
{dumke | gregory.michael | gneukum} @zedat.fu-berlin.de 
"Institute of Photogrammetry and Geoinformation (IPI), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 
Hannover, Germany - schmidt@ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Commission IV, WG IV/7 
KEY WORDS: Adjustment, Orientation, Block, Bundle, DEM/DTM, Mosaic, Orthoimage, Planetary 
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express (MEX) has been orbiting 
Mars since December 2003. One of the main aims is to cover Mars globally in color and stereoscopically at high resolution. HRSC 
has so far covered almost half of the surface of Mars at a resolution better than 20 meters per pixel. High resolution digital terrain 
models (DTM) are necessary for geoscientific studies of Mars. To get a more comprehensive view of regional processes on Mars, 
images as well as topographic data have to be mosaicked photogrammetrically. This paper briefly describes the simultaneous 
adjustment of exterior orientation for six HRSC orbit strips covering the Mawrth Vallis region, based on tie point matching and 
bundle block adjustment as well as the derivation of a DTM mosaic with a ground resolution of 75 m per pixel and an ortho-image 
mosaic with a ground resolution of 12.5 m per pixel. 
Since December 2003, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) 
Mars Express (MEX) orbiter has been investigating Mars. The 
High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC), one of the scientific 
experiments onboard MEX, is a pushbroom stereo color 
scanning instrument with nine line detectors, each equipped 
with 5176 CCD sensor elements. Five CCD lines operate with 
panchromatic filters and four lines with red, green, blue and 
infrared filters at different observation angles (Neukum et al. 
2004). MEX has a highly elliptical near-polar orbit and reaches 
a distance of 270 km at periapsis. Ground resolution of image 
data predominantly varies with respect to spacecraft altitude and 
the chosen macro-pixel format. Usually, although not 
exclusively, the nadir channel provides full resolution of up to 
10 m per pixel, stereo-, photometryand color channels have 
generally a coarser resolution. Furthermore, image data is 
compressed onboard using a Discrete Cosine Transformation 
(DCT) algorithm. One of the goals for MEX HRSC is to cover 
Mars globally in color and stereoscopically at high resolution. 
So far, HRSC has covered almost half of the surface of Mars at 
a resolution better than 20 meters per pixel. Such data are 
utilized to derive high resolution digital terrain models (DTM), 
ortho-image mosaics and additional higher-level 3D data 
products such as 3D-views (see Fig. 12). 
Standardized high-resolution single-strip digital terrain models 
(using improved orientation data) are derived at the German 
Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin-Adlershof (Gwinner et al. 
2008). Those datasets, i.e. high-resolution digital terrain models 
as well as ortho-image data, are distributed as Vicar image files 
(http://wwwmipl. jpl.nasa.gov/extemal/vicar.html) via the 
HRSCview web-interface (Michael et al. 2008), accessible at 
http://hrscview.fu-berlin.de. A systematic processing workflow 
is described in detail in Scholten et al. (2005) and Gwinner et al. 
(2005). For geoscience analysis and as part of a specific 
agency-funded contribution from the Freie Universität, 
multi-orbit DTMs as well as ortho-images are derived from 
block-adjusted exterior orientation and will also be distributed 
via the HRSCview web-interface as well as via the ESA 
Planetary Archive (PSA) interface in the near future. 
Geoscientific studies can be carried out in single-orbit image 
data, but in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of 
regional processes on Mars, images as well as topographic data 
have to be mosaicked photogrammetrically. Until recently, the 
only detailed information on the global topography was 
provided by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) which 
operated between 1997 and 2001 onboard Mars Global 
Surveyor (MGS) (Smith et al. 2001 and Neumann et al. 2003). 
MOLA-based DTMs have a ground resolution of approximately 
463 m per pixel and up to 231 m per pixel at the poles. The 
accuracy of the DTM is 200 m in planimetry and 10 m in 
In consideration of the scientific interest, the processing of the 
Mawrth Vallis region will be discussed in this paper. The 
panchromatic ortho-image and DTM mosaic (see Fig. 11) was 
derived from six HRSC orbits and covers an area of about 180 
000 km2 at approximately 19.6° to 28° N and 333.5° to 340.5° 
E. This is a relatively flat area with some large impact craters. 
All six HRSC orbits have good image quality (low noise and 
good contrast), a similar ground resolution (nadir channel) and 
some overlapping areas. In addition, several of the off-nadir 
panchromatic channels were acquired at full resolution (see 
Table 1)

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