Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

Chaozhen Lan, Qing Xu, Yang Zhou, Jiansheng Li 
Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying & Mapping, Zhengzhou 450052, China 
Commission V, WG V/4 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Satellite, Design, Simulation, Visualization 
Visiting the outer space freely was the human imagination until recently. Virtual environments of the remote sensing satellites will 
be the way for people to “visit” the space to study remote sensing satellites’ motion and interrelationships. This paper assembles a 
scalable, immersive virtual environment system called the Virtual Remote Sensing Satellite Simulation System (V-RSS) that allows 
users to visualize objects and physical phenomena in near-earth space and provides a brief sketch of the design thinking of such 
system. The software architecture of the V-RSS is designed incorporate the various simulation, analysis and visualization elements 
of the system into a single, integrated environment. The system employs a VR system with double projector to build immense 3-D 
environment and applied to some actual space projects and they demonstrate the efficacy of the concept and the processing. 
Until now, new remote sensing satellites collect vast amounts of 
imagery in specific bands and multiple view angles. Because of 
the cost and in many cases the unfeasibility of simulating 
remote sensing satellite missions in a terrestrial environment, 
computer based simulation systems are a possible alternative. 
As graphics techniques for photo-realistic visual simulation 
have evolved over the last ten years it is now possible to 
simulate scenes of high complexity. Simulation systems using 
advanced visualization techniques can be used for applications 
such as mission planning and rehearsal. Such systems allow 
alternative mission scenarios to be explored for modest cost and 
no risk. Another important use of the visual simulation software 
is to provide a tool for generating mission concepts to a wider 
audience. A visual simulation which can be understood at a 
glance will often generate the enthusiasm and advocacy which 
words alone cannot achieve. [Stephenson, 1989] 
Several systems have been developed to promote insight into 
selected aspects of orbital remote sensing satellite’s 
relationships and appearance, but they provide a limited 
solution[Mara 1993, McGreevey 1993, Ocampo 1990, Pickover 
We therefore assembled a more complete scalable system called 
the Virtual Remote Sensing Satellite Simulation System (V- 
RSS) that allows its user to visualize remote sensing satellites 
and physical phenomena in near-earth space. 
We undertook the V-RSS project to improve comprehension 
and appreciation of the complexity, motion, sensor, and 
splendor of near-earth space. To do so, the V-RSS must (1) 
accurately portray the orbital behavior of satellites platform, 
sensors, and other bodies, and (2) function in a virtual 
environment. Additionally, the system needs to 
• provide a flexible, 3D graphical user interface for 
immersive operation, graphically model all bodies in 
near-space in 3D and to the same scale; 
• accurately portray the objects and their locations; 
• simulate the working status of sensors; 
• provide analytical capability and visualization of 
results, and 
• maintain an interactive frame rate. 
The software architecture of the V-RSS is designed incorporate 
the various simulation, analysis and visualization elements of 
the system into a single, integrated environment. Figure 1 shows 
the major software modules of V-RSS and their 
There are six primary software modules and a database which 
comprise the V-RSS. The six software modules are (1) 
Simulation Controller, (2) Scenario Manager, (3) Space Objects 
Simulator, (4) Space Environment Simulator, (5) Analysis 
Module, and (6) 3D Display Engine. The database is The 
Satellites Orbit Database. 
The Simulation Controller is responsible for controlling 
the whole simulation process while running. The 
Scenario Manager Module has two main functions; (1) 
Objects Manager. This module deals with all kinds of 
objects in the simulation scenario including space-base 
objects and ground-base objects. We can easily add, 
delete, modify and operate any object through this 
module; and (2) Time Manager. By using the Time 
Manager, user can set start, end time and time step for 
simulation and can also make time speed up or speed 
down freely. Time can be animated forward, reverse and 
in real-time to simulation.

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