Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Figure 6. Error in dependence of the initial misalignment (left) 
and computation time (right); Approach A is the 
reference algorithm, approach B is the approach 
contributed in this paper 
We introduced an optimized approach for the pose correction of 
patients in 6 degrees of freedom. First we relied on the whole 
image domains to compute a 5 DOF estimation of the alignment 
based on two 2D registrations and a low number of DRR 
renderings. Then we improved accuracy and found the 6th 
degree of freedom by optimizing the correlation of certain 
image regions. By reduction of the data used in the X-ray 
reconstruction process and by exclusion of image regions that 
do not improve the matching result, we were able to reduce 
pose estimation time and to preserve the accuracy of the 
matching process. This can be beneficial especially for real time 
matching applications, e.g. for alignment surveillance with 
fluoroscopic imaging devices during the treatment. To achieve 
even higher performance we suggest to combine our approach 
with other techniques, for example the progressive lightfield 
rendering introduced in (Rohlfmga et al., 2004). 
For images that contain large areas of image contents that do 
not occur in either the CT series or the X-ray image(s) our 
approach successfully increased reliability of the pose detection 
outcome. However, the method contributed here still has to 
undergo additional testing, especially with respect to 
radiometric differences of the image modalities and for the 
variety of possible imaged body parts (e.g. for thorax or 
abdomen datasets). 
Further investigations should be made, if our approach 
combined with a multi-resolutional matching could lead to 
further improvements. 
After all, we showed that the solution to achieve lower pose 
detection times with similar accuracies can be to reduce the 
image registration to the relevant sub-sets instead of improving 
the rendering or matching technique itself. As we still use the 
mutual information measure for registration of these sub-sets, 
we still benefit from the stability of this measure. 
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