Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
reconstruction purposes. Living humans’ skull can be 
digitalized by CT, but the soft tissues have to be 
measured by another way. 
• Laser scanning applied the way we tested (fixed 
scanner with mobile desk) is simply not applicable to 
live people, almost the same can be told about the 
structured light 3D scanner. However, the precision of 
these methods is acceptable and for this reason it 
should be further investigated whether there is a 
possibility to use high speed scanners based on the 
same principles. 
• The attainable accuracy of close range 
photogrammetry is well documented in the literature, 
we did not test it, but this technique obviously can be 
used for our purpose. We are focusing on minimizing 
the time and effort requirements by estimating the 
certainly necessary measuring points and by 
developing new image matching algorithms. 
Borbas, L., Thamm, F., Devecz, J. 2003. Investigation of the 
behaviour of disc-type specimen for the calibration of 
photoelastic investigation of parts made of flexibilised resins. 
Scientific Bulletin of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 
pp. 21-30 
Fekete, K. 2006. Hälözattervezesi kerdesek a 
közelfotogrammetriäban. Geodezia es Kartogrdfia, Budapest III. 
pp. 12-23 
Fekete, K.; Borbas, L.; Kiss, R.; Schrott, P.; Balogh, G. 2008. 
X-ray image processing by direct linear transformation. III. 
Hungarian Biomechanical Congress, Budapest, (in progress) 
Fraser, C.S. 1996. Network Design. In: Atkinson, K.B. (Ed.): 
Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision, Whittles 
Publishing UK, pa 371, pp. 256-280 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_scanner (accessed 10 Jan. 2008) 
Kustär, A. 2004. Human morfologiai variäciök az arcon es a 
koponyän. - A koponya es az arc morfologiai összefuggeseinek 
alkalmazäsa a plasztikus arcrekonstrukcioban. PhD dissertation, 
Schrott, P. 2005. Digitalis kepek feldolgozäsa DLT-vel, 
Scientific Students' Associations essay, BME, Budapest,. 
Toth, Z., Melyküti, G., Barsi, A. 2005: Digitalis videokamerak 
kalibräciöja. Geomatikai Közlemenyek, Budapest VIII. pp. 1-6 
Varga, E., Hegedüs, L, Földväry, L. 2008. Optimalization Of 
Density and Distribution of Sterephotograph Measurement 
Points for a Face Assessment. III. Hungarian Biomechanical 
Congress, Budapest, (in progress)

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