Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Tail rotor 
Figure 6. Block scheme of the simulation environment. 
Value (m 2 ) 
Sx 0.10 Equivalent area along x axis 
Sy 0.22 Equivalent area along x axis 
position output by the dynamic model block, then a uniformly 
distributed noise is added to such measurement to simulate a 
real operation. The noise amplitude was set to 10 cm. Again a 
Zero Order Hold block was implemented to simulate an update 
rate of 4 Hz. For the magnetometer we added a 2 deg uniformly 
distributed noise to the orientation measurement returned by the 
dynamic model. The magnetometer output was then timely 
discretized with a Zero Order Hold block with an update rate of 
120 Hz. Technical specifications for the GPS receiver and the 
earth-field magnetic sensor are reported in table 4 and 5 
Receiver Type: 
GPS Update Rate: 
Pos/Vel Update Rate: 
Accuracy Position EPS: 
Start-up Time Cold start: 
Tracking Sensitivity: 
Timing Accuracy: 
Operational Limits 
16 channels 
L1 frequency. C/A code 
4 Hz 
tOO Hz 
-158 dBm 
50 ns RMS 
18 km 
515 m/s {1854 km/h) 
0.15 Equivalent area along x axis 
Table 4. Technical specifications for the GPS receiver. 
Table 3. Parameters used for the fuselage modeling. 
3.3 The EKF simulation block 
3.2 Simulation of measurement sensors 
According with the servos, the four outputs returned by 
helicopter dynamic model, according with the input servos, 
were used to simulate the operation of three measurement 
sensors embedded in the MTi-G unit: the IMU platform, the 
GPS receiver and the 3-axis magnetometer. 
In order to properly combine together the data obtained by the 
positioning and orientation sensors integrated in the Mti-G unit, 
an Extended Kalman filter (EKF) had to be employed. The filter 
takes as input the following parameters: 
- Translational acceleration, derived in the body frame from 
IMU accelerometers; 
As regards the first sensor, input parameters are represented by 
the translational acceleration and the angular velocity in the 
body frame as derived from the solution of the first two 
equations shown in (5).To better simulate the behaviour of a 
real attitude sensor we added a uniformly distributed noise, 
whose amplitude has been calculated as product between the 
noise density and the square root of the sensor bandwith. 
Corresponding values were obtained by the IMU specifications 
reported in table 4. Moreover, the update rates were simulated 
by using Zero Order Hold blocks, i.e. Simulink components 
able to hold the signal for a certain amount of time. In this case 
the update rate was set to 200 Hz. 
IMU sensor performance 
Full Scale (standard): 
Bias stability 5 (1<r): 
Scale Factor stability 5 (1a): 
Alignment error: 
Bandwidth {standard): 
Max update rate: 
rate of turn 
3 axes 
* 300 deg/s 
0.1% of FS 
5 deg/s 
0.1 deg/s/n'Hz 
0.1 deg 
40 Hz 
512 Hz 
3 axes 
± 50 m/s 2 
0.2% of FS 
0.02 m/s 2 
0.002 m/sVVHz 
0.1 deg 
30 Hz 
512 Hz 
Magnetic sensor performance 
Full Scale (standard): 
Bias stability 5 {1 a): 
Scale Factor stability 5 (1o): 
Alignment error: 
Bandwidth (standard): 
Max update rate: 
3 axes 
± 750 mGauss 
0.2% of FS 
0.5 mGauss 
0.5 mGauss (1o) 
0.1 deg 
10 Hz 
512 Hz 
Table 5. Specifications for the magnetic sensor. 
- Angular velocity as measured in the body frame by the IMU 
- Inertial position provided by the GPS receiver; 
- Attitude measurements provided by the magnetometer. 
Obviously all these data are considered noisy as mentioned in 
the previous subsection. 
In our filter implementation the state equation is described as 
** =/(■**-!, i,W w ) (6) 
Table 3. Specifications for the IMU accelerometers and gyros. 
A similar approach was adopted even for the GPS receiver and 
the magnetometer. The GPS sub-block takes as input the inertial 
while the measurement equation is: 
Z, = Ms,. V,) 

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