Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Grejner-Brzezinska, D.A., Toth, C.K., Moafipoor, S., 2007b. 
Pedestrian tracking and navigation using adaptive knowledge 
system based on neural networks and fuzzy logic. Journal of 
Applied Geodesy, 1(3), pp. 111-123 (invited). 
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enhancement using neural networks for autonomous ground 
vehicle applications. Proceeding, International Conference on 
Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 27-31, Las Vegas, NE, 
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under signal masking. Proceeding, European Navigation 
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positioning techniques based on wireless LAN. Proceedings, 1 st 
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Broadband and 
Ultra Wideband Communications, March 13-16, Sydney, 
Australia, CD ROM, paper 113. 
Moafipoor, S., 2008. Adaptive Kalman filtering for 
personal navigation system, presented at the 2 nd Annual 
Workshop of the Consortium of Ohio Universities on 
Navigation and Timekeeping (COUNT), The Ohio State 
University, USA, April 7-8, 2008. 
Moafipoor, S., Grejner-Brzezinska, D. A., Toth, C.K. 2007a. A 
fuzzy dead reckoning algorithm for a personal navigator. 
Navigation (in review, invited); also, in Proceedings, ION 
GNSS 2007, Fort Worth, TX, USA, September 25-28, CD ROM, 
Moafipoor, S., Grejner-Brzezinska, D.A., Toth, C.K. 2007b. 
Adaptive calibration of a magnetometer compass for a personal 
navigation system. Proceedings, International Global 
Navigation Satellite Systems Society IGNSS Symposium, 
December 4-6, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 
Australia, CD ROM. 
Ni, J. D. Arndt, Ngo, P. Phan, C., Gross, J., 2008. Ultra- 
wideband two-cluster tracking system design with angle of 
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February, pp. 112-118. 
Retscher G., 2004a. Multi-sensor systems for pedestrian 
navigation and guidance services. Proceedings, 4th Symposium 
on Mobile Mapping Technology, March 29-31, Kunming, China, 
Retscher G., 2004b,. Multi-sensor systems for pedestrian 
navigation, Proceedings, ION GNSS 2004, September 21-24, 
Long Beach, CA, USA, CD ROM, pp. 1076-1088. 
Retscher, G. and Thienelt, M., 2004. NAVIO - A navigation 
and guidance service for pedestrians, Journal of Global 
Positioning Systems, 3(1-2), pp. 208-217. 
Sasiadek, J.Z., Khe, J., 2001. Sensor fusion based on Fuzzy 
Kalman filter. Proceedings, IEEE Second International 
Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, October 18-20, 
Bukowy Dworek, Poland, pp. 275-283. 
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adaptive Kalman filtering for INS/GPS data fusion. Proceeding, 
15 th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC 
2000), July 17-19, Rio Patras, Greece, pp. 181-186. 
Soloviev, A., Bates, D., van Graas, F., 2007. Tight coupling of 
laser scanner and inertial measurements for a fully autonomous 
relative navigation solution. Proceedings, ION NTM, January 
22 - 24, San Diego, CA, USA, CD ROM, pp. 1089- 1103. 
Toth, C.K., Grejner-Brzezinska, D.A., Moafipoor, S., 2007. 
Pedestrian tracking and navigation using neural networks and 
fuzzy logic. Proceedings, IEEE International Symposium on 
Intelligent Signal Processing, October 3-5, Alcala De Henares, 
Madrid, Spain, CD ROM, pp. 657-662. 
Veth, M., Raquet, J., 2006a. Two-dimensional stochastic 
projections for tight integration of optical and inertial sensors 
for navigation. Proceeding, ION National Technical Meeting, 
January 18-20, Monterey, CA, USA, CD ROM, pp. 587-596. 
Veth, M., Raquet, J., 2006b. Fusion of low-cost imaging and 
inertial sensors for navigation. Proceedings, ION GNSS, 
September 26-29, Forth Worth, TX, USA, CD ROM, pp. 1093- 
Wang, Y., Jia, X., Lee, H.K., and Li, G.Y. 2003. An indoor 
wireless positioning system based on WLAN infrastructure. 6 th 
Int. Symp. on Satellite Navigation Technology Including Mobile 
Positioning & Location Services, July 22-25, Melbourne, 
Australia, CD ROM, paper 54. 
Wang, J. J., Wang, J., Sinclair, D., Watts, L., 2006,. A neural 
network and Kalman filter hybrid approach for GPS/INS 
integration. Proceedings, 12th IAIN Congress & 2006 
International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, October 18-20, Jeju 
Island, Korea, pp. 277-282. 
Win, M.Z. and Scholtz, R. A., 2002. Characterization of ultra 
wide bandwidth wireless indoor channels: a communication- 
theoretic view. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in 
Communications, 20(9), December, pp. 1613-1627.

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