Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

Figure 3. a: View of the target at distance of 0.5 meter. 
El-Hakim, S. F. (1996) Two 3D Sensors for Environment 
Modeling and Virtual Reality: Calibration and Multi View 
Registration. XVIIIth Congress of International of International 
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, 
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Fraser, C. S., M. R. Shortis, and G. Ganci, (1995), Multi 
Sensors System Self-Calibration. Videometrics IV, Philadelphia, 
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Fryer, J. (1996), Single Station Self-Calibration Techniques. 
XVIIIth Congress of International of International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, Australia, 
ISPRS, 178-181. 
Figure 3. b: View of the target at distance of 1 meter 
Homainejad, A. S (2007)., Chasing a Dynamic Object in Real 
Time, 5 th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping 
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Shortis, M. R. and W. L. Snow (1995). Comparative Geometric 
Test of Industerial and Scientific CCD Cameras using Plumb 
Line and Test Range Calibration. ISPRS Intercommission 
workshop, From Pixels to Sequences, Zurich, Switzerland, 53- 
Figure 3. c: View of the target at distance of 1.5 meters.

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