Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Table 2 shows the results of variance homogeneity tests for some 
representative 2.5-D LST tasks. Obviously, the VC-matrices are 
homogeneous; this means that no significant variations occur and 
the VC-matrix estimated by VCE can be accepted. In other words, 
when using the same sensor, the measurements of one group of 
observations (intensity or range) is subject to the same stochastic 
errors. Thus, an aggregation of all observations of one group with 
one weight is acceptable. An a-posteriori weighting by robust 
VC-matrix estimation is not necessary. Due to its low computa 
tional effort, the estimation of robust VC-matrices is still prac 
ticable and maybe useful in the case of VCE modeling failures 
within the VC-matrix. 
The experiment shows that the consideration of two groups of 
observations in a VCE is sufficient and that there is no significant 
variation of the precision of observations within the groups of 
In this article, a least squares tracking approach based on 3-D 
camera intensity and range data was proposed. The presented 
functional model combines the transformation parameters for in 
tensity and range images and has been proven by various ex 
periments with synthetic and real data. It could be shown that 
an increase in accuracy, stability and reliability can be reached 
for least squares matching and tracking by the integrated treat 
ment of intensity and range information. The stochastic model 
has been designed by using a variance component estimation ap 
proach as well as robust variance covariance matrix estimation. It 
could be shown that a separation of the heterogeneous data into 
two groups of observations is sufficient for the accuracy of the 
stochastic model, and that there is no significant variation of pre 
cision within the groups of observations. As an additional prod 
uct, the procedure delivers information on the precision of 3-D 
camera range and intensity measurements. 
So far, the affine scale parameters are modeled through the ad 
ditional range information. Future work will address other ge 
ometric patch transformation parameters, which are not consid 
ered by the 2-D affine transformation. In particular, the keystone 
distortion caused by an inclination between the sensor plane and 
the captured object can be expressed through the RIM depth off 
set parameter. Beyond this, the effect and elimination of outliers 
should be addressed. Robust estimation procedures with respect 
to outlier phenomena will be more appropriate than dealing with 
certain HS-pattems. Also, likelihood approaches with a heavy 
tailed distribution could be used for a Gaussian distributed error 
term within the GLSE framework. 
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