The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008
mean differences from the background image. This test has
been carried out for object distances ranging from 60cm to
260cm and integration times from 4><2.2ms to 4x20.2ms.
However, none of them resulted in statistically significant
deviations from zero, why the effect of scattering is assumed to
be negligible in the following. By the way, the same has been
found to hold for the amplitude observations.
Frame-Wise Arithmetic Mean of Amplitudes
1000 1500 2000 400 450 500 550 600
Frame-Wise Arithmetic Mean of Distances
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Frame Number
Figure 1. Frame-wise arithmetic mean of amplitudes (top) and
distances (bottom). Enlarged details pointing out the periodicity
of the signals (right).
Figure 2. Arithmetic mean of the background subtracted range
observations, depending on the distance between the
observing pixels and the instantaneous position of the
imaged target (red, solid), surrounded by its standard
deviation (red, dashed), and corresponding observation
counts (black). The results are shown for object
distances and integration times of 0.6m/4x2.2ms (left),
and 1.35m/4x20.2ms (right).
For the purpose of gathering large amounts of reference data,
the coordinates of the target centres pictured in the amplitude
images must be determined automatically. As the calibration
data shall cover both a wide range of integration times and
object distances, low-amplitude data is inevitable. In addition to
the resulting high noise levels, the employed calculus must cope
with repetitive image structures (cf. section 4.1). Because of
both the vignetting of the objective and the (roughly) radially
decreasing power of illumination, the amplitude generally
decreases towards the image borders. As no image
preprocessing shall be applied, the algorithm must manage
hugely imaged targets featuring inhomogeneous amplitude
Among other, more common target centroiding methods, the
stepwise adjustment of the target model described in (Otepka,
2004) demonstrates best performance concerning the
shortcomings of the amplitude data in use. Furthermore, this
procedure yields additional results that can be used for
plausibility checks and weighting in subsequent adjustments.
The tracking of targets as implemented for this work is based on
the detection of potential target areas by morphological image
processing, adjustments of the aforementioned target model, the
matching of the resulting target centres with their projection
from the test field (based on the recent exterior orientation,
nearest neighbours and considering the planar shift from the
recent image found by correlation), and the subsequent
adjustment of the camera’s current exterior orientation using
LI- and L2-norms. Furthermore, some plausibility checks are
Sensors of digital amateur cameras are reported to be rather
loosely coupled to their casing, resulting in an unstable interior
orientation possibly sensitive to agitation or somehow following
gravity. In order to avoid displacements of the sensor with
respect to the projection centre during data capture, it is thought
to be advantageous to keep the optical axis directing either up-
or downwards and to avoid rotations about it. Lacking a convex
3-D surface, the calibration of the ranging system needs to be
realized on a 2-D test field in order to avoid multipath effects in
object space. The camera calibration described in this work
bases on known control point positions, but treats both the
camera’s interior and exterior orientations as unknowns. Using
a planar field of control points, unknown interior and exterior
orientations are however prone to be considerably correlated to
each other, especially if images with different rotations about
the optical axis are absent. For the purpose of a more thorough
investigation of the interior orientation, thus a calibration on a
3-D test field is conducted, which exclusively uses the
amplitude images (cf. subsection 4.1). The calibration
integrating the range measurements however uses a 2-D field
(cf. subsection 4.2).
All bundle block adjustments are performed using the
photogrammetric program system ORIENT/ORPHEUS (Kager
et al., 2002). The parameters presented in the following thus
refer to the respective definitions.
4.1 Separate Calibration of the Interior Orientation
The calibration of solely the interior orientation makes use of
the amplitude data only, and is carried out using a 3-D test field.
In order to maximize the number of discernible targets and
hence permit precise spatial resections, flat, circular target
markers are arranged in regular grids on three pairwise
orthogonal planes. During data capture, the camera is guided in
a way that the target areas fill the whole image i.e. the distance
to the point of intersection of the supporting planes stays
approximately the same.
In order to test the short-term reproducibility of the interior
orientation and the distortion parameters, 3 image sequences
comprising 1000 frames each are captured within an hour. For
the purpose of testing the influence of gravity, the optical axis
constantly points upwards throughout the first two sequences,
while it points downwards in the third one, avoiding rotations