The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008
Figure 2. Mitigation of occlusion by using
multiple laser range scanners
2.2 People Tracking
2.2.1 Calibration
In order to integrate each laser scanner's local coordinate
system to common one, Helmert transformation is conducted
for each coordinate system. Since each laser scanner is installed
that scans at same horizontal plane, the overlapping
measurement data by other sensors corresponds to same shapes.
By referring this information, the transformation of shift and
rotation is conducted manually by integrating the redundant
common shapes’ features.
2.2.2 Background Subtraction
Obtained range data contains both moving objects (e.g.
pedestrians' legs) and static objects (e.g. walls, poles, etc.).
When a certain amount of frames are stored (e.g. 512 frames), a
histogram of the range value at each sampling angle is
calculated. Since the mode value in the histogram can be
regarded as static objects, the range standing for the mode value
is registered as a background object. By iterating this process
for all sampling angles, a background image is obtained. In
order to extract only moving objects, range data near from
background value (e.g. within 30cm) are subtracted.
where p(x) = probability density function
x = feature vector of the obtained trajectories
K( ) = kernel function
n = the number of data
h = bandwidth of the kernel function
d = dimension of the feature vector
In this paper, the feature vector of the probability density is
defined as (x, y, angle). This means the calculated probability
density corresponds to the traffic volume at the site (x, y) and
the walking angle. Therefore, the higher value of p{x)
corresponds to higher populated site in the flow directions. To
learn the probability density p(x), we calculate equation (1) by
using the trajectories’ vertices (x, y, angle). As the kernel
function, Gaussian kernel is adopted as follows.
where x = feature vector of the obtained trajectories
d = dimension of the feature vector
2.3.2 Extraction of Congested Area
In order to extract prominently congested areas, the target area
is divided as same interval 2-dimentional grid. Then, we define
an index of congestion at each cell as follows.
C = -^x 2 +y 2 Jp(x,y,a)da (3)
2.2.3 Tracking
People tracking is achieved by conducting spatio-temporal
clustering. Firstly, By regarding a certain laser point within
moving objects as the first centre point, nearby points from the
centre point are searched (e.g. within 15cm). Similarly, by
regarding the already searched point as the next centre point,
same process is iterated until nearby points are not found.
Additionally, in a previous frame, nearby points from current
searched points are searched as well. If clustered points are
found in a previous frame, previous cluster's ID is inherited to
the current cluster. Otherwise, new ID is registered to the new
cluster. By extending same cluster’s centroid from previous
frames, the time-series people positions are obtained.
2.3 Crowds Flow Detection
2.3.1 Probability Density Distribution of Crowds Flow
Based on the trajectories data obtained by above mentioned
processes, several properties of crowds flow characteristics are
extracted, which are main stream paths, the average and
variance of the vectors, traffic density, velocity variance, and
those spatial distributions. Particularly, we describe the crowds
flow characteristics as a probability density distribution by
using kernel density estimation method (KDE). The KDE is
defined as follows.
where C = an index of congestion
x, y = position of trajectories’ vectors
a = angle of trajectories’ vectors
p(x,y,a) = probability density mentioned above
x,y = average vector calculated as follows
jcos a- p(x, y, a) da
Firstly, an average vector (x,y) of the feature vector within
each grid cell is calculated by equation (4, 5). The length of the
average vector stands for a kind of variance of angles.
Therefore, in the case that the length shows near zero, the
directional vectors include a variety of directions, so that it can
be assumed as congested area. Contrary, in the case that the
length shows near one, the directional vectors have almost same
directions, i.e. the crowds flow can be regarded as not
congested. Finally, we define an index of congestion as a
product of a traffic volume and negative value of length of the
average vector as shown equation (3).