Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
modelling, from the large landscape of GCC to a historical site 
along it; moreover it can be visited from Internet by the same 
address mentioned above. 
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Figure 5. Visualization of a historical building in the 3D 
simulation system 
Figure 5 shows a historical building, Shanxi & Shaanxi 
Proinvincial Guildhall at Liaocheng city, Shandong pronince, 
build in 1743,Qing dynasty, which has been restricted in the 3D 
simulation system. Visitors can fly through in that virtual senses 
freely and enjoy the gorgeous and elaborate building through 
3.3 Related Thematic Researches 
3.3.1 Spatial-Temporal evolution of GCC’s channels 
Combined with historical documents and Chinese traditional 
atlas on GCC, we endeavour to reveal the spatial-temporal 
evolutions of GCC with SIT from the time of its building. 
Figure 6. The variation detection of GCC’s channels at Qingkou, 
Figure 6 shows the evolution of GCC at a crucial node, 
Qingkou, Huaian city, Jiangsu province, where eight rivers 
meet and cause obvious changes, including abandoned yellow 
river and GCC. The lines on the left graphic are channels 
extracted from air photo in 1954, the base map is TM imagery 
of 1989 with the resolution of 30m, while the lines on the right 
graphic are channels in 2000 gained from documents, and the 
base map is merged SPOT5 imagery of 2006 with the resolution 
of 2.5m.The result has been accepted by the Journal of 
Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) and will be 
published soon. 
3.3.2 Land use and land cover changes of important canal 
cities and some special canal sites 
The study of LUCC on GCC regions would reflect close 
connections between GCC and its surroundings; driving factors 
of its evolutions from natural perspective as well as socio- 
economical, and to what level GCC had influenced the 
development of the canal cities. Figure 7 indicates the case 
study we have conducted at Yangzhou city, Jiangsu province. 
Based on imagery in 1954, 1998, and 2002, the study used 
extraction after classified method to monitor land use changes 
from 1954 to 2002; while classifying, the object-oriented 
method was used to extract features in different temporal 
imagery. The result has been accepted by proceeding 
Geoinfomatics2008 at Guangzhou city, China, and will be 
securable soon. 
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Figure 7. LUCC of Yangzhou, a southern city along GCC 
3.3.3 Investigation of cultural resources along GCC 
With the support of data collecting system based upon hand 
held PDA, professionals of cultural heritage conservation from 
Beijing city, Tianjin city, Hebei province, Shandong province, 
Jiangsu province and Zhejiang province carried out field 
investigations along the GCC. Related data is recorded 
following the established standards, and then pre-processed data 
is storied in spatial database and presented with geography 
information system with designed symbols. Figure 8 shows 
cultural resources of GCC at Beiwu Lanke districts near Jining 
city, Shandong province. 
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Figure 8. Cultural resources of GCC at Beiwu Lake district 
near Jining city 
We have utilized common SIT in the GCC study of 
investigation and conservation, including GIS, RS, GPS and the 
visual method, VR. The results indicate that

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