Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
Figure5 indicates, the length of Hutong has decreased by 48% 
from 1949 to 2007. Two periods decreased acutely: from 1990 
to 2003 and from 2003 to 2005. 
3) Hutong of newly built and demolished 
At the aspect of newly built Hutong, during 1949-1965, there 
are 70, during 1965-1980, there are 8, there are no newly built 
during other period. 
At the aspect of demolished Hutong, during 1949-1965, there 
are 761, during 1965-1980, there are 100, during 1980-1990, 
there are 48, during 1990-2003, there are 683, during 2003-2005, 
there are 175, during 2005-2007, there are 19. 
Figure6 shows the number of demolished and newly built 
Hutong between each two typical years. 
The number of demolished and newly built Hutong 
1949-1965 1965-1980 1980-1990 1990-2003 2003-2005 2005-2007 
Period El demolished 
M newly built 
Figure 6. The number of demolished and newly built Hutong 
In Figure6, the number of newly built Hutong is much less 
than the demolished Hutong. In the case of demolished Hutong, 
three periods decrease acutely, respectively 1949-1965, 
1990-2003 and 2003-2005. 
4) Analyze to the transition of Hutong 
length decreased by 14%. 
From 2005 to 2007, the number of Hutong decreased by 19 
(1%), decreased by 7 km (2%). These numbers are much less 
than the numbers of Hutong from 2003 to 2005. The decreasing 
trend had been hold back effectively, due to the appropriately 
protection to Hutong as cultural heritage by the government of 
3.2 Famous Hutong and Hutong inside of the protection 
regions of history and culture 
1) Famous Hutong 
In 2007, the number of famous Hutong is 457, 89 in Dongcheng 
district, 102 in Xicheng district, 55 in Chongwen district and 
212 in Xuanwu district. In Figure7, the blue line represents 
famous Hutong, the red line represents other Hutong, the black 
line represents street. 
Figure 7. Famous Hutong 
2) Hutong inside of the protection regions of history and 
The transition of Hutong from 1949 to 2007 has significant 
relationship with the transition of Beijing. During 58 years from 
1949 to 2007, widely housebreaking and construction has taken 
place in Beijing, so Hutong had been changed enormously. 
From 1949 to 1965, during 16 years, the number of Hutong 
decreased by 691 (22%), while the length of Hutong only 
decreased by 45km (6%), these data indicates, most of the 
transition in this period are rename to Hutong for the case of 
unite, a few Hutong has been demolished. In fact, in 1965, the 
government has renamed the Hutong on a large scale. 
From 1965 to 1980, both of the number and the length of 
Hutong keep steadiness. From 1980 to 1990, economic and 
society reformation is on the initial stages, Hutong keep 
steadiness, too. 
From 1990 to 2003, during 13 years , along with the further 
reformation of economic and society, a large number of unsafe 
houses were broken up, the number of Hutong decreased by 683 
(30%) acutely, the length decreased by 201km (30%). 
From 2003 to 2005, Hutong keep on decreasing, during 2 years, 
the number of Hutong decreased by 175 (11%), the length 
decreased by 68km (14%). Some Hutong has demolished 
partially, that’s why the number decreased by 11% while the 
There are 25 protection regions of history and culture [13 ] in the 
imperial city in 2001, .and more 5 added in 2004. Now, there 
are 30 regions in the imperial city. 
The number of Hutong inside of the region is 743. In Figure8, 
the yellow regions represent the protection regions, and the 
purple lines are the outline of the regions, the red line represents 
Hutong in 2007, and the black line represents the street. 
Figure 8. Protection regions of history and culture 
The protection regions mainly lie in Dongcheng district and

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