Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
It is well known that image matching gives different results, 
depending on the texture of the analysed object. For this reason, 
a first series of tests was performed analysing building facades 
characterised by different textures, in order to evaluate the 
strength of point cloud generation even on poorly textured 
Four different facades, made of different materials, were 
analysed in particular. In order to make an easy comparison 
between the texture of the facades possible, a coefficient was 
calculated for each facade. This coefficient was achieved 
considering the grey levels image and computing the standard 
deviation of 9X9 neighbouring pixels around each pixel, as 
shown in the following formula: 
where N = dimension of the template: 9 pixels 
a x>y = standard deviation of the central template pixel: 
N/2+0.5, N/2+0.5 
Xjj= grey level value of the pixel 
x= mean grey level value of the 9X9 template 
In this way a standard deviation value has been computed for 
each image pixel. The texture coefficient was finally obtained 
computing the mean of these values on the image. This value 
was considered representative of the minimum template 
dimensions in an Area Based Matching (ABM) approach. 
The texture coefficient values of the tested facades are reported 
in the following table. 
Table 2. Texture coefficients and image examples 
According to scientific literature (Kraus, 1993), the base-to- 
distance ratio greatly influences the precision of the generated 
points: in particular, considering the used camera and the 
maximum base achievable by the ZScan System, it is possible 
to define the precision that can be achieved at a certain distance. 
In order to test the point cloud geometric accuracy, several tests 
were performed varying this ratio from 1/4 to 1/18. 
The main advantage of the ZScan System is given by the use of 
three images in DSM generation at the same time instead of two, 
as in other commercial software. In order to quantify the 
improvement of multi-image techniques, using the same images, 
a comparison was made between a ZScan point cloud and a 
DSM generated by LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suite), using 
only two images (e.g. a traditional photogrammetric approach). 
Another kind of test considered different rotations between the 
image plane (defined by the acquisition bar) and the facades. 
Finally, different matching steps were considered in order to 
compare the geometrical precision that could be achieved 
changing this parameter. 
In order to define the precision of the ZScan System each point 
cloud generated during the tests was compared with reference 
surfaces acquired using a traditional laser scanner. In particular, 
a Riegl LMS-Z420 laser scanner was used whose precision is of 
about ± 5 mm in range measures. This comparison was 
performed using a best fitting approach. 
5.1 Results 
Texture traditionally represents one of the most difficult issues 
in image-matching technologies. Furthermore, the use of more 
than two images has not appreciably improved the results: less- 
textured areas are difficult to model and are affected by noise. 
The previously defined effect is clearly related to the texture 
coefficient: image regions characterized by a low texture 
coefficient value show large noisy areas, and vice-versa. 
Figure 2. Noisy area on a painted wall 
If the image triplet has a medium texture coefficient (that is to 
say from 6 to 10) the quality of the point cloud is already good. 
A generated point cloud is shown in figure 3. 
The image triplet was acquired at a distance of 12 meters. The 
modelled façade has a texture coefficient of only about 8, but 
the geometrical details are correctly represented. 
In order to define the change and the loss of geometrical 
precision jn point cloud generation, several tests were carried 
out over this façade, increasing the taking distance by a metre

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