Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

ISPRS Commission V is dealing with imaging and laserscanning techniques in a wide range of 
application fields, including industrial and engineering metrology, cultural heritage documentation, 
virtual reality 3D data acquisition, robotics, 3D motion analysis, quantitative medical imaging, 
biometry and many more. Most of these fields stand for market segments with a rapidly growing 
demand for automated, fast, efficient, reliable and precise 3D measurement techniques. A central 
issue in many developments is the integration of sensor technology with reliable data processing 
schemes to generate precise and highly automated online or real-time photogrammetric 
measurement systems. In addition to all sorts of digital cameras (high resolution, high speed, central 
perspective, panoramic, hemispheric, telecentric, ...), Commission V clientele is increasingly using 
terrestrial laserscanners and novel 3D-cameras. The advent of these devices has also boosted the 
interest in 3D point cloud processing techniques in addition to image analysis techniques. 
As outgoing commission president of ISPRS Commission V, I would like to express my thanks to 
those, who contributed to the compilation of this volume and who supported the scientific (and 
organizational) work of ISPRS Commission V during the past four years: Thomas Luhmann and 
Frank van den Heuvel (WG V/1), Pierre Grussenmeyer and Klaus Hanke (WG V/2), Derek Lichti 
and Norbert Pfeifer (WG V/3), Sabry El-Hakim and Fabio Remondino (WG V/4), Ralf Reulke and 
Sergej Zheltov (WG V/5), Petros Patias and Nicola D'Apuzzo (WG V/6), Naser El-Sheimy and 
Antonio Vettore (ICWG V/l), Ron Li and Jurgen Everaerts (ICWG IA/), Marc Pollefeys and David 
Nister (ICWG MIA/) were working group chair persons and supported the commission work through 
workshops, publications, test and reference data, hardware and software overviews, tutorials and 
many more. They also did a great job in reviewing all the extended abstracts of the contributions 
contained in this volume. My special thank goes to ISPRS Commission V secretary Danilo 
Schneider, who gave very valuable support to the management of the commission over the past 
four years and contributed a lot to the compilation of this volume. 
Hans-Gerd Maas, President of ISPRS Technical Commission V

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