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Zhi Wang a,b ’ *, Qingquan Li a , Besheng Yang®
a State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University,
Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China, 430079 - wangzchina@gmail.com, (qqli, bshyang)@whu.edu.cn
b Institut fur Kartographie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Appelstraße 9a,
D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Youth Forum
KEY WORDS: Geometry, Geomorphology, Extraction, Simplification, Feature, Multi-resolution
Multi-resolution TIN model is a promising solution for achieving rapid visualization speed and interactive frame rates in the
contexts of visualization, virtual reality (VR), and geographic information systems (GIS). Most of previous automatic algorithms are
not able to identify topographic features, such as peak, pit, ridge, channel and pass, so as to produce poor approximations when a
model is simplified to a low level of detail. This paper proposes a new method for constructing multi-resolution TIN models with
multi-scale topographic feature preservation. The proposed method is driven by a half-edge collapse operation in a greedy
framework and employs a new quadric error metric to efficiently measure geometric errors. We define topographic features in a
multi-scale manner using a center-surround operator on Gaussian-weighted mean curvatures. Then we employ an adaptive weight
based on topographic features for the control of simplification process. Experimental results identify that proposed method performs
better than previous methods in terms of topographic feature preservation, and can achieve multi-resolution TIN models with a
higher accuracy.
High-resolution terrain model leads to a dilemma between the
rendering time, interactive frame rates, and data processing. A
model with a fixed resolution is not good for all applications
and all users because of different requirements, available
computer resources, and affordable time. Therefore, it would be
ideal for users to have the ability to control the size of the
model, the processing time needed, and the accuracy of the
model. The representation of digital terrain models at different
levels of accuracy and resolution has an impact on applications
such as Geographic Information Systems (GISs), Virtual
Reality (VR), progressive transmission of spatial data, mobile
visualizations, and Web-GIS. Multi-resolution terrain models
allow for representation, analysis and manipulation of terrain
data at variable resolutions, decreasing the burden of rendering
and achieving interactive frame rates, and provide a promising
solution for the progressive transmission of spatial data, spatial
data compression, mobile visualizations, and so on. However,
the existing methods and algorithms mainly focus on the
accuracy and running times of generating the levels-of-details
(LoDs) of terrains. Less attention has been paid to topographic
features preservation of terrains, particularly at a low resolution
model. Suppose that the original topographic features are lost at
a low resolution terrain model. Poor visualization effects and
spatial analysis results will be generated.
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for generating multi
resolution terrain models with a good performance in terms of
good preservation of topographic features and rapid running
time. Two key issues are encompassed in the proposed method,
namely, measuring deviations between the original terrain
model and its approximations based on a new error metric,
detecting and adaptively ranking topographic features based on
the Gaussian-weighted of surface curvatures. The former one
aims to achieve rapid running time; the latter one aims to
preserve topographic features during the generation of multi
resolution TIN models hence improve the accuracy of multi
resolution models in terms of the RMSEs and Hausdorff
distances (Hausdorff distance is defined as the maximal
Euclidean distance between any point of original model and the
closest point of its approximation.).
There has been extensive research work on generating multi
resolution models. In this section, we review previous work,
focusing on only those contributions most relevant to this paper.
Readers can refer to Luebke D. et al. (2003) for the surveying
of these simplification schemes. The local operators including
vertex removal, edge collapse, and triangle collapse, are
commonly used for generating multi-resolution models. Among
these local operators, edge collapse and triangle collapse
operators can be conceptualized as gradually shrinking the
appropriate geometric primitive such as edge and triangle to a
single vertex. Therefore, they are well suited for implementing
geomorphing between successive LoDs. Moreover, the
advantage of the iterative edge collapse operator is its
hierarchical structure which is essential to retaining the
topological relationship of the model. The main difference
among these edge collapse algorithms is in the selection of the
candidate edges and determination of new vertices. Garland and
Heckbert (1997) proposed quadric error metrics (QEM) and,
Corresponding author: Zhi Wang: wangzchina@gmail.com