The International Archives of thq Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B6b. Beijing 2008
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC): is a standard for
representing and exchanging Building Information Models
(BIM), which is supported by most CAD software. IFC (or
ifcXML, based on XML structure) standard developed by the
International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) and became an
ISO standard. IFC objects model provides rich semantic
elements in the AEC/FM domain, for example, walls, roofs,
windows and stairs. Nevertheless, it does not provide enough
city objects like streets, water bodies and vegetations, so it is
not appropriate for building complex city models. Moreover the
spatial and semantic coherence can not be automatically
ensured in some IFC models (Stadler and Kolbe, 2007)
CityGML: will probably soon become the OGC standard for
representing 3D city objects in a spatio-semantic coherence data
model (Kolbe et al., 2005; OGC, 2007; Stadler and Kolbe,
2007). That means “geometrical objects “know” what they are.
Semantic entities “know” where they are and what their spatial
extents are”.
The semantic model of CityGML based on the IFC model
consists of class definitions for the most important features
within 3D city models, including buildings, DTMs, water
bodies, transportation, vegetation, and city furniture. It does not
contain a whole set of IFC objects, but it can be easily extended
according to users’ own necessary 3D semantic objects. All
CityGML classes are derived from the basic class ‘Feature’,
defined in ISO 19109 and GML3 for the representation of
spatial objects and their aggregations.
The geometric model of CityGML is equivalent to a subset of
GML3 geometry packages, which is based on the standard ISO
19107 “Spatial Schema”, representing 3D geometry according
to the well-known Boundary Representation. Therewith,
CityGML is regarded as a specific GML application schema.
Moreover, CityGML supports the concept of Levels of Detail
(LoD) up to five discrete levels (LoD0-LoD4), ranging from
outdoor wide areas to indoor architectural models like the
furniture and interior installations.
Thus, users can define 3D city models at various degrees of
complexity with respect to geometry as well as semantics. For
example, for merely outdoor LBS applications, lower LoDs are
adopted; otherwise higher LoDs are employed to represent
detailed indoor 3D objects.
Summary: Comparison of other existing 3D data formats is
described in (Kolbe et al., 2005; Stadler and Kolbe, 2007).
CityGML as a special case of GML format, representing virtual
3D city objects with semantic and spatial information in
different LoDs, is a very good candidate for 3D LBS
2.5 Standardized Geospatial Web Services
Geospatial web services are indispensable parts of LBS. The
mobile user sends its current location to a particular geospatial
web service, and the server is able to response the geospatial
data in many formats, such as raster maps or vector XML-based
documents. We list some notable geospatial web services that
often used in LBS applications in the following.
Web Map Server (WMS): is an OGC standard for producing
maps of spatially referenced data dynamically from geographic
information over HTTR The WMS responses can be pictorial
formats like JPEG PNQ GIF or vector based graphic elements
like SVG.
Web Feature Server (WFS): is an OGC standard for
requesting and serving vector geospatial data over HTTP. The
WFS responses contain the data in the GML format.
Furthermore, the transactional WFS (WFS-T) standard supports
transactions (such as insert, update and delete) which allow the
client to modify data on the remote server.
Web Terrain Service (WTS): is an OGC standard similar to
(and builds on) WMS but provides a static 3D rendered image
of a dataset instead of the data itself to the client.
Web 3D Service (W3DS): is developed as an extension of
WMS/WTS by OGC and offers additionally the possibility to
visualize 3D scene graphs. In contrast WMS/WTS only
provides the representation of static views as bitmaps. The
W3DS merges different types (layers) of 3D data in one scene
graph and outputs it as the default VRML97 format, GeoVRML
and X3D are also suggested. Then the scene graphs are
rendered and interacted on the client side.
Building Information Models Web Perspective View Service
(BIM-WPVS): is proposed to integrate and visualize both BIM
and GIS data by (Hagedom and Dollner, 2007). It is one of the
high level high-level geoinformation services having several
distinct features: enhancing geoinformation, provision of
business functionality, integration of complex geoinformation,
provision of high-quality geovisualization, and support of user
interaction and context-awareness.
Summary: In fact, BIM-WPVS method can be regarded as a
special case of mixing other different web services, because it
can be built on top of the WFS when data-oriented, the W3DS
when Scenegraph-oriented or WMS/WTS/WPVS when
visualization-oriented. WMS and WTS only sever 2D bitmaps
to the client, and thus are mainly limited to 2D LBS. The W3DS
is able to offer real 3D scene graphs to the client for different
renderings, which is reasonable to 3D LBS. However, a scene
graph like the VRML format only contains geometric
information but little semantic characteristics and relations of
geospatial objects. Thus the W3DS could be an appropriate
solution for the 3D visualisation in many 3D LBS, but is not
satisfying for highly required semantic applications.
The WFS delivers the geospatial data itself to the client as the
GML format, so it severs necessary semantic contents. For
example, users can request geospatial objects within a bounding
box, or with a specific identifier, or users even can perform
complex spatial operators on the server such as getting buffer
areas within a certain area. CityGML being one of the GML
application schemas therewith can be used as the output format
of the WFS in order to provide spatio-semantic coherence
information for more complex 3D LBS applications, such as a
disaster management system in built-up areas demanding not
only 3D graph scenes but also 3D spatial queries.
This paragraph discusses a method about how to set up spatio-
semantic 3D LBS with BIM and GIS data. A 3D LBS prototype
emphasizing on data standards and geospatial web services is
explained. Other components of LBS are not studied in this
paper. The method used in this prototype can be considered as