Liang Gao & Yifang Ban
Division of Geoinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Drottning Kristinas vag 30, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden
mailto: - {liangg, yifang}@infra.kth.se
Youth Forum
KEY WORDS: SAR, Polarization, Multi-frequency, Land-Cover, Classification.
This paper represents a study on land-cover classification using different polarimetrie SAR features. The experiment is carried out
using C- and L-band fully polarimetrie EMISAR data acquired on July 5 and 6, 1995 over an agricultural area in Fjàrdhundra, near
Uppsala, Sweden. The polarimetrie features investigated are coherency matrix, intensity of both C- and L-band SAR, and Cloud
decomposition product H(l-A) of L-band, and ‘entropy’ texture of L-band HV intensity image. In order to investigate the
performance of the different features, each feature is classified using a classifier that is best suited for the feature based on previous
research. HI A! CL Wishart unsupervised classification is used for coherency matrix while neural network is applied to six “mean”
texture layers of C and L bands fully polarimetrie intensity images. The best classification accuracy was achieved using the intensity
images combined with H(l-A) and ‘entropy’ texture (overall: 81%; kappa: 0.7). The producer’s accuracy of intensity classification
result for forest is 100.0% which reveals that the H(l-A) of L-band is a very good indicator for forest. The ’entropy’ texture of L-band
HV intensity image has the potential to be a good indicator for road with 77.2% user accuracy, while road is not discriminated in
coherency matrix. The results indicate that the supervised classification of the intensity of both C- and L- bands has a good potential
for land-cover mapping in this study area.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been proven to be a
powerful earth observation tool. The emerging Polarimetrie
SAR (POLSAR) adds another dimension to SAR information
content, thus makes SAR remote sensing more applicable.
Polarimetrie SAR has been used in retrieval of soil moisture and
surface roughness, snow and ice mapping and land-cover
classification (Martini, 2004; Wakabayashi, 2004; T.Macri,
2003; J.Shi, 1997). Due to its sensitivity to vegetation, its
orientations and various land-covers, SAR polarimetry has the
potential to become a principle mean for crop and land-cover
Many features such as intensities, coherency matrix, correlation
and phase differences have been used in various classification
experiments (Dorr, 2003; Hoekman, 2000; Lee & Grunes, 1994;
Skriver, 2005; Alberga, 2007). As the information in the fully
polarimetrie data can not be completely represented by one
single feature, the combination of different polarimetrie features
according to physical grounds and practical experiences should
be considered. Most studies have focused on the specific
methodology and specific polarimetrie feature, few aims at
systematically comparing the polarimetrie features (Alberga,
2007). Thus, research is needed to evaluate different
polarimetrie features in a systematic manner.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the performance of
fully polarimetrie multi-frequency SAR features in land-cover
classification. The investigation is carried out by classification
of the polarimetrie features and comparing the classification
results. Coherency matrix, intensity, Cloud decomposition
product H(l-A)oi L-band, and ‘entropy’ texture of L-band HV
intensity image will be evaluated and compared.
The polarimetrie features investigated in this study are reviewed
in the following sections.
The polarimetrie SAR measures the amplitude and phase of
backscattered signals in four combinations of the linear receive
and transmit polarizations: HH, HV, VH and VV (H for
horizontal and V for vertical polarization, respectively).
EMISAR data have two available polarimetrie features:
1) . Scattering matrix data S in slant range projection.
2) . Covariance matrix data C in pseudo ground range.
Since the SAR data is stained by speckles, the speckles can be
filtered at the expense of loss of spatial resolution with
multi-look processing. In this case, a more appropriate
representation of S is the covariance matrix in which the
average properties of a group of resolution cells can be
expressed in a single matrix (Allan, 2007). It is defined as (van
Zyl and Ulaby, 1990b):
< ^hh^hh >
< S hv Shh >
< s„s hh >
< ^hh^hv > < S hh S w >
<vc> <vc>
<sjl> <s w sr w >