Angelina Novacheva 3 ' *
institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
angelina. - novacheva@mailbox.tu-dresden.de, http://www.tu-dresden.de/ipf/photo
KEY WORDS: Laser Sanning (LiDAR), Building Rconstruction, Aerial Photogrammetry, Data Integration, Urban planning, Image
In this paper a strategy for 3D reconstruction of building roofs from airborne laser scanning and aerial images is discussed. In order
to keep it as general as possible, no predefined primitives or ground plans are required. The processing is done directly on the raw
LiDAR point cloud, so as to avoid any loss of information due to interpolation. Computations involving local surface normals,
which are usually rather noisy in dense datasets, are avoided. Only roofs composed of planar patches are considered. The guiding
principle is to select thresholds that can be derived from the data itself and to make the algorithms largely independent of their exact
values. The main purpose of image integration is the refinement of the building outline. In that the importance of utilising the
available chromatic information is shown.
3D city modelling has recently been a lively research area
within the photogrammetric community. Buildings, as the most
prominent features of the urban landscape, receive special
attention. The new developments in sensor technology allow for
increased automation in their reconstruction. The improved
accuracy and density of airborne laser scanning (LiDAR), as
well as the availability of simultaneously recorded height data
and colour frame imagery have directed the attention of many
researchers towards the extensive application of LiDAR and the
integration of aerial images.
Most authors, e.g. [Rottensteiner & Briese, 2003] concentrate
on the usage of raster DSMs, obtained through the interpolation
of the laser scanning data to a regular grid. That allows for the
application of available image processing software and fast
segmentation methods, but has the disadvantage of decreasing
the information content.
Another work, focused on building reconstruction through the
combination of image and height data [Haala, 1996], uses a
raster DSM, obtained through matching from aerial images
along with the image data itself. 3D intensity or DSM edges are
compared to a building model. The data integration is mainly
limited to the detection of regions, corresponding to buildings
in the height data.
In the following, LiDAR data with density of about 5.3
points/ m 2 is considered along with colour aerial images of 10
cm ground resolution.
2.1 Prerequisites
.There are two important assumptions related to the proposed
algorithm. First, a rough segmentation of the point cloud should
be available. Second, only roofs consisting of planar faces can
be reliably reconstructed. An overview of the current
processing pipeline is given in Figure 1.
The segmentation could be done by pre-processing the data as
described in [P. Axelsson, 1999], which does not require
additional information like multiple return or intensity values.
In the following processing steps it is expected to be neither
error free nor complete. However, in order to accurately extract
the separate buildings, at least three neighbouring vertices from
each roof plane should be present in a connected component of
segments labelled as belonging to class “buildings”.
Further each single building with its immediate surroundings is
handled separately. The standard deviation (RMS) of plane fit is
also determined a priori and considered uniform within the data
2.2 Roof Segment Identification
At first the 2.5D Delaunay triangulation of a building region is
computed, which becomes the basis for the definition of the
neighbourhood relations within the point cloud. In that, as well
as to support further development works, the data structures and
the functionality of the Computational Geometry Algorithms
Library [CGAL, 2006] are employed.
A procedure based on the Hough transform is responsible for
the successive detection, verification and refinement of planar
segments. First a modified version of the Hough transform is
performed, generating a 3D parameter space for plane detection,
based on the perpendicular distance to the origin and the polar
coordinates of the plane’s normal vector [A. Novacheva, 2007].
In that, special care is taken to provide uniform sampling of the
Gaussian sphere. As the parameters acquired in such a way are
only approximate, they are refined in the next step.
Outliers are removed given a predefined threshold for the
orthogonal distances of the measurements to the plane based on
the standard deviation. Empirically the value of 1.2 x RMS was
found appropriate.