Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
measured with a hand held GPS and added to georeferenced 
SAR images as an attribute (Figure 2). Samples were collected 
before or just after the seeding. In some fields cases it was 
noticed that the farmers increased the density of the surface soil 
by flattening with force in order to prevent soil moisture loss 
before the planting season. 
Soil samples were gathered using 100 cm3 metal cylinders, and 
soil moisture levels were detected using a gravimetric method 
in the laboratories (Black, 1965). Soil texture analyses were 
made using the Hydrometer Method in order to correlate 
reflection values with the soil moisture in collected soil samples 
(Bouyoucous, 1951 and Soil Survey Staff, 1993). Fresh of soil 
samples were weighed and noted. Then soil samples were oven 
dried for 24 hours at 105°C temperature. Dried samples were 
weighed once again for the dry weight. Gravimetric soil 
moisture values were calculated for the 240 sample points (i.e. 
72 points for PALSAR, 74 for ASAR and 94 for RADARSAT) 
with the help of fresh weight and dry weight samples. Also clay 
and sand contents of each sample were calculated. During the 
field works the characteristics of the soil such as stoniness, 
roughness and surface relief were noted carefully. 
Sigma nought values for RADARSAT and ASAR images were 
calculated using PCI Geomatica software. Sigma nought values 
were taking the local incidence angle at that pixel position in 
the range direction. Backscatter values for the PALSAR image 
were used. 
Wl . 
The relation between the bare soil moisture and each type of 
SAR data was investigated by calculating correlation 
coefficients. For each sample point, instead of using the 
corresponding pixel value of the actual ground point coordinate, 
a 9 x 9 kernel window was used to calculate the average 
backscattering value in dB (a°) or in DN. 
In this work, the areas showing similar roughness 
characteristics, i.e. the plains, were chosen as the study area. 
The contribution of SAR images to detection of soil moisture 
was investigated by taking into account the interaction of SAR 
images with surface relief. The stoniness did not exist in the 
study area, which was basically constituted of plain grounds 
that might affect the backscattering. It was assumed that only 
the soil texture and the soil moisture could affect backscattering. 
After analyzing the 240 soil samples from the study area, the 
relation between moisture content (which was believed 
affecting backscattering directly) and ratios of clay, silt, and 
sand in soil was investigated. Although theoretically it is known 
that clay texture has higher water holding capacity we still have 
made an attempt to check the real situation in the research area, 
(i.e. correlation calculations were performed in order to check 
the coherence between the real situation in the study area and 
the findings given in the literature). The correlation studies 
indicated that the clay content was correlated with the moisture 
at 0,72 level whereas the sand content was anti-correlated with 
the soil moisture at a level of 0,70. It was also noticed that the 
amount of the silt was not correlated with the moisture (Figure 
Figure 2. Georeferenced SAR images and the locations of the 
sample points 
Figure 3. The relations of soil moisture with the ratios of clay, 
silt, and sand in soil samples 
It is known that the moisture content of the soil varies 
depending on the inorganic material and the clay content of the 
soil. In the study area, the organic material content of the soil is 
very low and homogeneous. The flat and nearly flat areas form 
the physiological suture of the study area. In the area, clay 
content of the soil is not homogenous. Thus soil moisture 
content of the study area changes depending merely on the clay 
content and the micro relief of the soil. In this study the relation 
between the soil moisture and RADARSAT-1 backscattering,

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