Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Selecting Features for Urban Change Detection 
Chunlei Huo, Zhixin Zhou, Kerning Chen, Hanqing Lu, Jian Cheng 909 
Monitoring Vegetation Dynamic in Horqin Sandy Land from SPOT Vegetation Time Series Imagery 
F. Huang, P. Wang, X.N. Liu 915 
Field-Oriented Assessment of Agricultural Crops Through Temporal Segmentation of MODIS Vi Data 
M. Jonathan, D. Arvor, M. S. P. Metrelies, V. Dubreuil 921 
Change Detection for Aerial Photo Database Update 
Yongdae Gweon, Yun Zhang 927 
Research on Spatial-Temporal Change of Urban Thermal Environment Based on Remote Sensing 
Q. G. Zhou, Y. zhang 933 
Change Detection of Irrigated Crop Land Using Satellite Imagery 
A Fast Method of Smoothing Vector Graph Converted from Raster Image 
YUE Jian-wei, HUANG Jun, WANG Bin 943 
Detection of Land Cover Changes Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery 
Wafa Nori, El Nour Elsiddig, Irmgard Niemeyer 947 
The Research of the Dynamic Monitoring Technique for Land Use Based on Remote Sensing Imagery 
Shao Yong-she, Zhang Shao-ming, Dou Jian-fang, Jia Sheng-ju 953 
Object-Level Change Detection for Multi-Temeporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery 
Mu H. Wang, Ji.X Zhang, Hai T. Li, Hua L.Xu 959 
A Dust-Storm Process Dynamic Monitoring With Multi-Temporal MODIS Data 
Dl Mei, LUXiushan, SUN Lin, WANG Ping 965 
Evaluation of Urban Heat Island in Istanbul Using Remote Sensing Techniques 
U. G. Basar, S. Kaya, M. Karaca 971 
Extracting Cropping Index Variations in Northern China Based on NDVI Time-Series 
ZHUXiaolin, WU Jin, CHEN Jin 977 
Design and Development of a New Model for Automatic Change Detection of Buildings from Aerial Images 
Simintaj ziraksaz, Hamid Ebadi, Farshid Farnood Ah madi, saeed sadeghian 983 
Evaluation of Changes in Atlantic Forest (Valley of Cuna Piru,Misiones, Argentina) with Multi-Temporal 
Satellite Data. 
A. Drozd, S. Torrusio, M. Arturi 989 
Seasonal Vegetation Change Detection Using Independent Component Analysis 
S. Chitroub, S. AlSultan 993 
Retrievals of Canopy Biophysical Variables Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data 
Zhiqiang Xiao, Jindi Wang, Tiegang Tong 999 
A Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Building on Edge Extraction 
WANG DAN, SONG WEI-dong 1005 
Research on Monitoring the Changes of Desertification Based on Remote Sensing 
LiCUl 1009 
Change Detection of Mountain Glacier Surface Using Aerial and Satellite Imagery: A Case Study in Iran, 
Alamchal Glacier 
M.S. Moussavi, M.J. Valadan Zoej, M.R sahebi,Y. Rezaei W13 
Multi-Temporal Data Integration for the Changeability Detection of the Unique Stowinski National Park 
K. Michalowska, E. Glowienka W17

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