Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

Konstantinos Karantzalos 
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées aux Systèmes (MAS) 
Ecole Centrale de Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, France 
Commission VII/3 
KEY WORDS: Imaging spectrometry, Mathematical morphology, Anisotropic diffusion, Image simplification, Levelings, Denoising 
In this paper, a 4D scale space representation is introduced aiming at denoising, smoothing and simplifying effectively airborne and 
spaceborne hyperspectral imagery. Our approach is based on a novel morphological levelings’ vectorial formulation, which by integrat 
ing spatial and spectral information is able to produce elegantly simplified versions (scale spaces) of the initial hypercube. In addition, 
their construction is constrained by vector-valued anisotropic diffused markers which still respect the special hyperspectral data prop 
erties. In contrast to earlier efforts, under such a morphological framework the simplified scale space hypercubes are not characterized 
by spurious extrema or asymmetrical intensity shifts and their edges/contours are not displaced. Experimental results demonstrate the 
potential of our approach, indicating that the proposed representation outperforms earlier ones in quantitative and qualitative evaluation. 
Imaging spectrometry [Goetz et al., 1985] and hyperspectral sen 
sors have experienced significant success in recent years. By 
offering repetitive, consistent and comprehensive data with en 
hanced discrimination capabilities due to their high spectral res 
olution, they possess a great potential for geoscience and remote 
sensing applications. Environmental monitoring, natural resource 
exploration, land-use analysis, terrain categorization, military and 
civil government applications for pervious/ impervious surface 
mapping have been much eased, while further applications in 
medicine, biology, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and archaeology 
expand the user community [Landgrebe, 2003,Maathuis and van 
Genderen, 2004,Schmidt and Skidmore, 2004, van der Meer, 2006, 
Plaza et al., 2008]. Note that for all the above applications the 
accuracy of the extracted information, through classification and 
other object detection procedures, is of major importance. 
It is worth mentioning, however, that the reported average classi 
fication accuracy of remote sensing imagery is about 73% [Wilkin 
son, 2003] and it has not changed significantly in recent years. In 
addition, optimally reducing the dimensionality of hyperspectral 
data is still an open problem [Plaza et al., 2008]. Band selection 
techniques -which are not, usually, generic and may discard some 
bands that contain valuable information- as well as feature extrac 
tion methods -which project and may blur, the data into a low 
dimensional subspace- are actually a trade-off between making 
the problem simpler and losing on classification accuracy [Brun- 
zell and Eriksson, 2000, Webb, 2002]. The assumptions on the 
possible statistical interpretation/separation of terrain classes do 
not, in the general case, hold when these methods are applied di 
rectly to the initial degraded and noisy hypercube and not to an 
elegantly simplified version of it. Therefore, although the hyper 
spectral imaging market is rapidly increasing - soon with new, 
lighter, less expensive, higher performing generations of sensors- 
there still remain several challenges, regarding their multidimen 
sional data processing, that need to be addressed [Plaza et al., 
First of all, the natural variability of the material spectra, noise, 
physical disturbances and degradation added by the transmission 
media and the sensor system, reduce the separability of the dif 
ferent structures in hyperspectral imagery and diminish the ac 
curacy of subsequent segmentation and classification processes. 
The increased significance of smaller spatial and spectral varia 
tions among pixels implies, also, that smaller amounts of noise 
are now likely to have a bigger impact on the results extracted 
from this kind of imagery. Even thought any denoising process 
has a significant impact on the accuracy of the results, many stud 
ies do not use any strict optimizing criteria when selecting the ap 
propriate smoothing methods, thus, negatively affecting the out 
come of subsequent analysis [Vaiphasa, 2006]. 
The right balance has to be found, in order to minimize not only 
the effect of noise but also the effect of the denoising proce 
dure which should, moreover, take into account that objects in 
images appear in various scales and thus, information has to be 
gathered from various image scales [Lindeberg, 1994, Paragios 
et al., 2005]. Towards this end, Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering 
(ADF) has been employed for hyperspectral imagery delivering 
promising results in improving classification accuracy by reduc 
ing the spatial and spectral variability of images, while preserv 
ing the boundaries of the objects ( [Lennon et al., 2002, Duarte- 
Carvajalino et al., 2007, Martin-Herrero, 2007] and there refer 
ences therein). However, such a diffusion (smoothing) scale space 
approach, which only recently was fully adapted to the special 
spatial/spectral properties of hyperspectral imagery [Martin-Herrero, 
2007] may reduce the problems of ad hoc inspections or isotropic 
filtering but does not eliminate them completely, since spurious 
extrema and intensity shifts may still appear [Meyer and Mara- 
gos, 2000, Karantzalos et al., 2007] (Figures 1 and 2). figure 
Towards the same direction, other nonlinear scale-space represen 
tations, like those based on mathematical morphology, consider 
the evolution of curves and surfaces as a function of their geom 
etry. Such morphological-based approaches have been, recently, 
proposed for processing hyperspectral imagery (e.g. [Benedik- 
tsson et al., 2005, Plaza et al., 2005]). However, conventional 
multiscale morphological scale-spaces like dilations and erosions 
(of increasing structure element size) displace objects boundaries 
[Jackway and Deriche, 1996]. Furthermore, the more sophisti 
cated openings and closings by reconstruction treat image fore-

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