Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
As table 3 shown, the correlation of spectral curve among the 
centre pixel and each pixel in texture unit has obvious 
difference especially for the resident texture unit. And different 
object has very similar correlation which will lead the pixel 
confuse for the pixel classification. The fractal dimension value 
can obtain better result for the classification. The different 
object has different fractal dimension value of spectral curve in 
texture unit. The resident object has the fractal dimension value 
ranged with 1.0199 ~ 1.0271, the tree ranged with 1.0152 ~ 
1.0210 and water ranged with 1.0105 ~ 1.076. Thus the 
dimensionality reduction result using the fractal feature of 
spectral curve can realize better texture code matching which is 
very useful for image classification. 
For the Huges phenomenon, there are still some of different 
object fractal dimension feature while the fractal dimension of 
the centre pixel is quite difference. The dimensionality 
reduction based on spectral curve fractal analysis can combine 
the spectral information and spatial texture information together 
to realize the feature analysis and it can obtain better processing 
efficiency of hyper spectral data. The dimensionality reduction 
based on spectral curve fractal analysis provide a new method 
to differ the confuse pixel such as the feature analysis combined 
the spatial fractal analysis and spectral fractal. 
The research work is supported by the Nation Science Founder 
of China. (NSFC: 40371079) and 973 Project of China 
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