Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
enhance weak heavy metal stress information, and Gaussian 
membership function is adopted because of its non-constant 
differentiable character. Tow standards, output error and the 
width of Gaussian membership function, are used to decide 
whether a new fuzzy rule should be added into this system. The 
significance of each rule is evaluated to decide whether a rule 
should be deleted. A training data set which is composed of 
250 samples obtained from MODIS data is applied to adjust 
network structure and to generate fuzzy rules. On the basis of 
seven fuzzy reasoning rules, this system can achieve 95% 
accuracy. According to the result of experiment, the advantages 
of this DFNN model are summarized as follows: 
1. It offers faster convergence and is less sensitive to 
both training and testing datasets; 
2. It substantially decreases the number of hidden 
neurons which is crucial in the optimization of network 
structure, as fuzzy rules are generated or deleted 
according to the network performance and the significance 
of each rule; 
3. It is capable of extracting crop heavy metal stress 
information with reasonable accuracy, and thus it could be 
used as an effective tool in monitoring and managing 
agricultural environment. 
This work is under the auspice of National High-tech R&D 
Program of China (863 program) (2007AA12Z174) and 
National Natural Science Foundation of China (40771155). 
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