Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

In figure 3.8 the estimated location £ (eq. 2) are plotted for all 
pixels. The underlying multiscale image is that of figure 3.1. At a 49 re. a MO nie ie eee 
......... A OO enneKssnonnae TT 
o= 0 the position of the pixels without point estimation are 40. 0.00.00 "esses Neneees sus eseKeuvt ense 
marked for reference. It is interesting to note that the order of MAIS SEE ctttensskenuous to tavta kesataeno 
4,)-"o0vaesous n acasocoKeceous.ns veeukesseseen e. vesusce 
»* c*ecessoKeeeoonv v scouckecsoooccs 
the estimated location £ was never changed, i.e. for all pixels i 4f. t 
secoscsco 0 veuconeKounose 0 cocceKecosoceeo ....... 
the relation x(i) = x(i+1) produces £(i) s £(i+1). The equal sign 45. Si ei tt dir 
: ; A OO o. cocovcoc 
was only observed at o= 0. The dislocation of edges over scale 44. sese tuueyfenenusia «e rud uut tend us peus . 
is easy to see at the dominant edge in figure 3.8. 43 Rr e iz en 
........ A OO os cscciesssnen ee ...Z.Z.ZZ 
4.2 - 
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^ pe — pixel 
2- Figure 3.8 Location of edge candidates in scale space. The de- 
tected edges are marked by * Figure 3.9 Detailed view on the estimated locations £ in scale 
space (0 range is 0.7-5.0, a02= 0.5) 
The splitting process of an edge (at x = 30) with increasing 
; Again, figure 3.9 gives a detailed view of the locations x esti- 
ung 8 E E scale can be observed at the level o2 1.4. 
in mated with subpixel position. The tracking of the edges from 
be coarse to fine seems not a severe problem with these small 
the differences between the scale levels. Between o= 2 and o= 3 
we left a gap. The missing information caused by this gap does 
not rise any reasoning problems in this example. 
e is 
The task of tracking images through scale space and the conse- 
quences for matching will be demonstrated with examples of 
real images. The real images are taken from Hahn and Fórstner 
(1988). The stereo pair is given in epipolar geometry. The real 
data example used consists of corresponding rows from these 
images. The scale space images are visualized in figures 4.11 
and 4.1r. The appended 1 and r denote the left and right stereo 
partners, respectively. 

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