Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

\ Beijing 2008 
Yun Zhang 
Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering 
University of New Brunswick 
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada 
Email - YunZhang@UNB.ca; 
Commission VII, WG VII/6 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Digital, Comparison, Fusion, Accuracy 
This paper focuses on the evaluation and analysis of seven frequently used image fusion quality assessment methods to see whether, 
or not, they can provide convincing image quality or similarity measurements. The seven indexes are Mean Bias (MB), Variance 
Difference (VD), Standard Deviation Difference (SDD), Correlation Coefficient (CC), Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), Relative 
Dimensionless Global Error (ERGAS), and Q4 Quality Index (Q4), which were also used in the IEEE GRSS 2006 Data Fusion 
Contest. Four testing images are generated to evaluate the indexes. Visual comparison and digital classification demonstrate that the 
four testing images have the same quality for remote sensing applications; however, the seven evaluation methods provide different 
measurements indicating that the four images have varying qualities. The image fusion quality evaluation by Alparone, et al.,(2004) 
and that by the IEEE GRSS 2006 data fusion contest (Alparone, et al.,2007) are also analyzed. Significant discrepancy between the 
quantitative measurements, visual comparison and final ranking has been found in both evaluations. The inconsistency between the 
visual evaluations and quantitative analyses in the above three cases demonstrate that the seven quantitative indicators cannot provide 
reliable measurements for quality assessment of remote sensing images. 
Image fusion, especially the fusion between low resolution 
multispectral (MS) images and high resolution panchromatic 
(Pan) images, is important for a variety of remote sensing 
applications, because most remote sensing sensors, such as 
Landsat 7, SPOT, Ikonos, QuickBird, GeoEye-1, and 
WorldView-2, simultaneously collect low resolution MS and 
high resolution Pan images. To effectively fuse the MS and Pan 
images, numerous image fusion techniques have been 
developed with varying advantages and limitations. However, 
how to effectively evaluate image fusion quality to provide 
convincing evaluation results has been a challenging topic 
among the image fusion researchers and users of image fusion 
In research publications, the widely used image fusion quality 
evaluation approaches can be included into two main categories: 
(1) Qualitative approaches, which involve visual 
comparison of the colour between original MS and fused 
images, and the spatial detail between original Pan and 
fused images. 
(2) Quantitative approaches, which involve a set of 
pre-defmed quality indicators for measuring the spectral 
and spatial similarities between the fused image and the 
original MS and/or Pan images. 
Because qualitative approaches—visual evaluations—may 
contain subjective factor and may be influenced by personal 
preference, quantitative approaches are often required to prove 
the correctness of the visual evaluation. 
For quantitative evaluation, a variety of fusion quality 
assessment methods have been introduced by different authors. 
The quality indexes/indicators introduced include, for example, 
Standard Deviation (SD), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root 
Mean Square Error (RMSE), Sum Squared Error (SSE) based 
Index, Agreement Coefficient based on Sum Squared Error 
(SSE), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Mean Square Error, 
Information Entropy, Spatial Distortion Index, Mean Bias Error 
(MBE), Bias Index, Correlation Coefficient (CC), Warping 
Degree (WD), Spectral Distortion Index (SDI), Image Fusion 
Quality Index (IFQI), Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), Relative 
Dimensionless Global Error (ERGAS), Q Quality Index (Q), 
and Q4 Quality Index (Q4) (e.g., Wald et al., 1997; Buntilov 
and Bretschneider, 2000; Li, 2000; Wang et al., 2002; Piella and 
Heijmans, 2003; Wang et al., 2004; Alparone et al., 2004; 
Willmott and Matsuura, 2005; Wang et al., 2005; and Ji and 
Gallo, 2006). However, it is also not easy for a quantitative 
method to provide convincing measurements. A commonly 
acceptable evaluation method has not yet been agreed by the 
authors of the quantitative evaluation papers. 
In the practice of image fusion quality evaluation, it has been 
commonly noticed by researchers that the evaluation results can 
be affected (1) by the display conditions of the images when 
qualitative (visual) evaluation is conducted, and (2) by the 
selection of quantitative indicators (indexes) when quantitative 
assessment is performed. 
• For visual evaluations, if a comparison is not 
conducted under the same visualization condition, i.e. if 
the images are not stretched and displayed under the 
same condition, the comparison will not provide reliable 
results. For example, an original MS image usually 
appears dark when no histogram stretching is applied, 
and it appears significantly differently when different 
stretches are applied (examples can be found in Figure 
1). These different appearances are not caused by the 
quality difference, but just by the conditions of the

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