Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

Figure 6. Interpretation from Landsat TM / RADARSAR-1 fused image, showing the subsurface features of the study area 
Visual evaluation of the images produced by the multisensor 
data fusion indicates that the fused images represent a 
substantial improvement in interpretability over the original 
multispectral data. This paper describes the effectiveness of the 
fusion of SAR and optical images based on the use of IHS 
transformation. The output fused image improves visual 
detection of subsurface structures such as foliations, folding and 
faults in the study area. Those features are covered with sand 
sheets, dunes and wadi alluvium, which make them almost 
undetectable in Landsat TM data. Moreover, the fusion of the 
two data sets reveals drainage patterns and recent structures. 
These features are valuable for exploration of mineral deposits 
such as BIF and heavy minerals in placer deposits in the 
investigated area and similar arid regions. 
Application of IHS transformations of TM data to accomplish 
highly detailed multispectral fused image, by direct substitution 
of the RADARSAT-1 data for the computed intensity, was quit 
useful in revealing the subsurface features, the structures and 
the information content of the study area. 
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