Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
3 73.0405 1682.2747 7.2781 0.7835 0.3869 11.8644 
Table 1. The quantitative analysis results of different fusion methods 
With respect to image luminance, the mean of the novel method 
range between that of the multispectral image and the SAR 
image, while the means of the other methods are generally low. 
This shows that the novel method well reflects the original 
image luminance, which coincides with the subjective analysis 
In the aspect of spatial detail information preservation, 1) 
Standard deviation: the triangle IHS result has the closest 
standard deviation to the original image, and in the next place 
the novel method; while the Brovey method exorbitantly 
stretched the gray gradient, resulting the image distortion; the 
standard deviations of PCA result, Gram-Schmidt result and 
normal wavelet transform result are comparatively smaller, as 
the distributions of their gray gradient are too concentrated. 2) 
Entropy: the entropy of the novel method is larger than that of 
any other method, and it is only the novel method result that has 
the larger entropy than the original image, which shows that the 
novel method has the advantage of preserving information over 
other methods. 3) Average gradient: the average gradients of 
the PCA result, Gram-Schmidt result and normal wavelet 
transform result are comparatively smaller, which shows that 
these methods are less able to reflect the small detail 
information; Although the average gradient of Brovey result is 
the largest, it is larger than that of both the multispectral image 
and the SAR image, not truly reflecting the detail information; 
The average gradients of the novel method result and triangle 
IHS result are between that of the multispectral image and the 
SAR image, however, the average gradient of the novel method 
result is more closed to that of the SAR image, which means 
that the novel method excels triangle IHS in preserving detail 
information of SAR image, the very intention we desired. 
In the aspect of spectral information preservation, 1) 
Correlation coefficient: the correlation coefficients of Brovey 
result, triangle IHS result, PCA result with SAR image are 
larger than the ones with multispectral image , respectively, 
while the situations of normal wavelet transform and the novel 
method are reverse. Other than Brovey method, triangle IHS 
and PCA are Component Substituting methods (Pradhan,2005), 
therefore the correlation coefficients of their result images with 
SAR image are naturally larger, so it has no comparability with 
the novel method. As for the novel method and normal wavelet 
transform, the former has a larger correlation coefficient with 
SAR image than the latter, meaning that the novel method is the 
better one in preserving information of SAR image. 2) Spectral 
distortion: the average spectral distortion of the novel method 
result is 65.13, the smallest one, while that of other method 
results are over 120, meaning the novel method lost the least 
spectral information. 
Therefore, synthesized the subject qualitative and objective 
quantitative analysis, compare with the traditional methods 
concerned in this paper, the novel method not only has obvious 
advantage in preserving detail information of SAR image, but 
also is better in spectral information preservation and 
From the application-oriented aspect, this paper proposed auto- 
adaptive information preservation fusion method based on 
wavelet transform, aiming at better utilizing the information of 
SAR image in latter application. It sufficiently considers the 
local feature of the image, auto-adaptive fused SAR image and 
multispectral image according to the local information capacity, 
but not single and ponderous fused regulation for the whole 
The experimental result shows that the novel method is better 
than the traditional methods adopted in this paper. The novel 
method not only better preserves spectral information in 
multispectral image, but also better preserves detail information 
in SAR image. Especially, the special SAR information is 
contained in the novel method fused image. However, the novel 
method still has room for improvement. 
This work was supported by the Foundation of Fok Ying Tong 
Education Foundation (111017), Natural Science Foundation of 
China (40671130) and Beijing Natural Science Foundation 
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