Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

Wang Juanle 3, *, Li Shuang b , Jia Wenchen 3 
a Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100101, Beijing, 
China - (wangjl, jiawc)@lreis.ac.cn 
b College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, 475004, Kaifeng, Henan, China, - lis@igsnrr.ac.cn 
KEY WORDS: Satellite, Remote Sensing, Technology, Interpretation, Global-Environmental-Databases, Land Cover, Resources 
With the development of the Earth Observation System, many Chinese satellites are launched and used, such as China-Brazil Earth 
Resources Satellite (CBERS), FY series meteorological satellites, "Beijing-1 "small satellite, and so on. The paper studied the 
application techniques of Chinese satellites in Russia Siberian area. The core research work is divided into 3 parts as below. (1) 
Chinese satellite land use/land cover monitoring techniques research. (2) Chinese satellite regional environmental background values 
extraction and parameter inversion techniques. (3) Chinese satellite regional ecological evaluation techniques. Through the 3 kinds 
of techniques study and experiments validation, the paper analyzed the Chinese satellites remotely images features and discovered 
some key techniques. 
With the development of the Earth Observation System, many 
Chinese satellites are launched and used, such as China-Brazil 
Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS), FY series meteorological 
satellites, "Beijing-T'small satellite, and so on. Although 
remotely sensed images collected from these Chinese satellites 
are widely used in more and more fields recent years, they have 
not been used outside China. With the development of GEOSS, 
we should pay more attention to the application techniques and 
capacities of Chinese satellite in other places outside China. 
Russia Siberian area is suitable for this research, because this 
area has not only plentiful natural resources, but also typical 
regional geographical features which are sensitive to the earth's 
environment change as below. 
1.1 Scientific significance to the global change research 
Siberian area is the hotspot area in the global change research 
and Earth System Science integrated research. “Globe change 
and regional response” has been taken as the basic research 
facing the nation significant strategic needs in the China 
National Guideline on Medium- and Long-Term Program for 
Science and Technology Development (2006-2020). 
1.2 Regional ecosystem security 
Siberian and its south neighboring area locate at the East Asian 
Monsoon area, where are sensitive to earth's environment 
change. At present, the area is facing to the problems like 
drying up of rivers, desertification, inadequate protection of soil 
and water resources, frequently disasters, etc. All of these 
compose a serious obstacle to the economic and social 
sustainable development of related countries in this intersection 
1.3 The integrated research demand of multi-subjects 
Research work in Siberian area has integrated and 
multidisciplinary crossed characteristics. Many environmental 
factors of global change grades have typical gradual change 
character in this area. For example, the annual mean 
temperature varies from -20°C to 20°C. The annual mean 
precipitation varies from 100mm to 2000mm. The number of 
population by per square kilometer varies less 10 to more than 
1000. The level of land use varies from rare exploitation to high 
intensity using, and so on. If these dynamic changes 
information can be detected by remote sensing, this will help to 
reveal the rules of the resource & environment and ecological 
evolution and the Regional Response characteristics for multi 
subjects need. 
2.1 International remote sensing research and application 
progress in high latitude region 
Many countries have launched amounts of survey and 
investigation projects or engineering on resources and 
environment by means of GIS and RS techniques, such as land 
use, land cover, crop yield assessment, vegetation monitoring, 
soil and water quality survey and so on. For instance, United 
States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and U.S. 
Commerce Department launched a joint project for Large Area 
Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE) from 1974 to 1977. This 
project monitored the wheat crop area and accessed its yields in 
North America with high accuracy (over 90%). Another project 
for agriculture and resources inventory surveys through 
aerospace (AGRISTARS) was implemented from 1980 to 1986 
which has been developed to an integrated running system. 
Corresponding author.

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