Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
1:100 scale land cover datasets also were produced based on 
remotely sensed data in USA in recent years. 
European Economic Community executed the huge project 
named MARS to monitor the plantation, crop change in Europe 
since 1992. MARS had the running capacity and reported to the 
agriculture headquarters of Europe Economic Community every 
two weeks. Canada has realized macro resources survey, update 
and mapping mechanism based on RS and GIS recent years. 
2.2 Resources and environment remote sensing 
development in China 
After several Five-Year Plans, China has achieved huge 
progress in resources and environment remote sensing 
synthesized application. From 1985 to 1990, remote sensing 
technique development has been one of the national key 
scientific research projects. Large research projects and 
application engineering have been launched such as loess 
plateau remote sensing survey, “Three North” protection forest 
project, and so on. From 1990 to 1995, remote sensing 
techniques have been used in natural hazards monitoring and 
evaluation, crop yield assessment, etc (Wang Naibin,1996; Pan 
Xizhe,1998). From 1995 to 2000 years, resources and 
environment macro survey and investigation for land has been 
implemented in China (Liu Yuji, et al,2000). Through these 
work, many land resources databases (e.g., land use/land cover 
databases) have been established. In the latest decade, remote 
sensing techniques are used in many industries, such as city 
development, environment protection, disaster prevention and 
protection, regional analysis, global change, and so on. These 
widely application has brought obvious social and economical 
effects for the development of China. 
2.3 Remote sensing research and application for Chinese 
China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-01) which was 
jointly developed by China and Brazil was successfully 
launched on October 14, 1999. It includes three sensors: 1) WFI 
(300 km swath; 260 m resolution; 4 bands); 2) IR-MSS (20 km 
swath; 80 m resolution; 4 bands including thermal); and 3) 
CCD (20 m resolution; 4 bands). These images are concentrated 
mainly over Brazil and China. It has been now switched to the 
stage of operation and application since it was relegated to 
China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application 
(CRESDA) on March 2, 2000. CBERS-02 was launched on 
September 1, 2000. And now, CBERS-02B was launched on 
September 19, 2007. Since 2000 to now, more than 230000 
images are published to native and international users. These 
images almost cover the whole China region 170 times. 
Several kinds of meteorological satellites have been launched 
by China. The famous one is FENG YUN series satellites. 
FENG YUN 1 and FENG YUN 3 satellite (the code name FY-1 
and FY-3) (FENG YUN = “Wind and Cloud”) are the first 
generation of sun synchronous meteorological satellite, FENG 
YUN 2 satellite (the code name FY-2) is the first generation of 
geostationary meteorological satellite. FY-1C and D was 
launched in 1999 and 2002. They have 10-channel (visible and 
IR) scanning radiators. It is competent for monitoring for ice, 
snow, vegetation, soil moisture, water and related land cover. 
FY-2C was launched in October, 2004. Its resolution is about 
1.25km. Its images scope covers 1/3 of the world centred by 
China. FY-3 is a new generation polar orbit meteorological 
satellite of China launched in 2006. There are total of 11 
different remote sensing sensors onboard it, which are designed 
to get the geophysical parameters of atmosphere, land, and 
ocean surfaces at the same time all day and night and in all 
weather conditions. 
Beijing-1 satellite (DMC + 4 microsatellites) was launched on 
October 27th 2005, which covers a large area and has 
outstanding ability of continual observation. Beijing-1 carries 
the same 32 meter GSD multispectral sensor, but the addition of 
high-capacity hard drives and X band data link enable the 
satellite to acquire, store and transmit up to 4100 kilometres 
along track, a 16-fold increase on the first generation DMC 
satellites. The data can be stored on the satellite and down 
linked at the satellite owner’s facility or can be downloaded 
direct to a suitable local ground station. Beijing-1 also carries a 
4 meter panchromatic imager, which has a 24 kilometre swath 
and can use on-board storage to acquire up to 4100 kilometres 
along track. The panchromatic data is useful for infrastructure 
mapping, change detection, field boundary delineation and 
many other tasks for which very high resolution data is required. 
While, till to now the mainly use of Chinese satellites are 
focused on native area of China, and its application techniques 
are not professional. It is still need more research and study in 
native and international area. 
3.1 Target and research area 
3.1.1 Target: According to the global application 
requirements of Chinese satellites, the paper studied the 
application techniques of domestic satellites in Russia Siberian 
area where is neighboring area of China. The core research 
target can be divided into 3 parts as below. ( 1 ) Chinese satellite 
land use/land cover monitoring techniques research. (2) Chinese 
satellite regional environmental background values extraction 
and parameter inversion techniques. (3) Chinese satellite 
regional ecological evaluation techniques. 
3.1.2 Research area: The research area in Siberian and its 
neighboring region covers from 90E to 125E, and its length and 
width is respectively about 6000km and 200km. The core 
research and application technique research area is mainly 
focused on the surrounding area of Baikal Lake of Russia, 
where covers the area from east longitude 100 to 110, from 
north latitude 50 to 60. Research area is shown in figure 1. 
80’ E 100’ E 120’ E 
Figure 1. Research region

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