Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Figure 4. 3D polylines map of building facades based on Z- 
MAP Laser 
The production rate varied between 60 m 2 facade/day/operator 
(March 2007) and 140 m 2 /day/operator (October 2007), which 
is an increase of production speed by a factor of more than 2. If 
one assumes in total 5 Mio m 2 façade areas for mapping of the 
Historic Peninsula, it corresponds to an estimated mapping time 
of approximately five years with 34 operators working on 210 
days per year. 
An example of the final product from façade mapping is 
depicted in figure 6, which is derived from 3D polylines as 
illustrated in figure 5. The mapping of the facades is described 
in more detail in Baz et al.,(2008). 
Figure 5. Mapped 3D polylines of building block façades 
derived from terrestrial laser scanning data 
Figure 6. Detailed map of building façades using laser scanning 
data - laser scanning data (top) and façade plan (bottom) 
Since early July 2007 a roof mapping group was established in 
order to measure and to model the roofs of all buildings in 3D 
within the Historic Peninsula project. A project team of five 
operators started the new production line after three days of 
intensive training in mid July using the Z-MAP Foto software. 
In the beginning available UltraCamD images with 30cm 
ground sample distance (GSD) were used for data acquisition. 
The synthetic UltraCamD image has 7500 x 11500 pixels with a 
pixel size of 9pm*9pm corresponding to an image format of 
67.5mm in the flight direction and 103.5mm across flight 
direction and a focal length of 101.4mm. Each image covered 
2.3km x 3.5km. 
The photo coordinates have been determined by automatic 
aerotriangulation with an Intergraph workstation, while the 
orientation elements of the digital images were adjusted by 
bundle block adjustment with BLUH. The results of the bundle 
block adjustment with self-calibration of the UltraCamD data 
are summarised in (Büyüksalih and Jacobsen,2006). A 
horizontal accuracy of up to a factor 0.6 of the GSD could be 
achieved at independent check points, which corresponds to 
18cm in object space. This is a limited result for a digital 
camera. The sigmaO from the bundle block adjustment is in the 
range of 0.4 pixels, indicating that the accuracy potential is 
better. The main reason for this is the limited control point 
definition and accuracy. Nevertheless the achieved geometric 
quality is sufficient for the roof mapping, which is more limited 
by the object definition. The vertical accuracy is two times 
better than the horizontal accuracy due to good connections 
between the images in the block and due to measurements of 
each control point in 4.5 images (on average). 
However, due to the limited resolution of the UltraCamD 
imagery it was very difficult for the operators to measure small 
roofs and to identify clearly the roof points. As a rule of thumb, 
mapping is possible up to 0.1mm GSD in the map scale, 
corresponding to a map scale of 1:3000 with 30cm GSD, which 
was confirmed by the tests made by this group. Thus, it was 
decided to use higher resolution imagery for this task, available 
since mid of August as scanned analogue colour aerial images 
with 9.5cm GSD. The aerial flight has been conducted using a 
JenOptik LC0030 camera (f = 305mm) in July 2006 at a photo 
scale of 1:4500 covering almost 1 km 2 per photo. The photo 
orientation was determined by automatic aerial triangulation 
and bundle block adjustment. The expected standard deviation 
is Sxy = 10cm and Sz = 14cm for topographic points, which is 
much better than from the triangulation of the UltraCamD 
images. The analogue photos were scanned at a resolution of 
21 pm using a Zeiss SCAI scanner. As an example a part of an 

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