Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Image A l mag e B 
Figure 1. Generic framework of region based image fusion 
(Piella,2003 ) 
First, the source images are decomposed by wavelet to get the 
approximate and detailed sub-images; and then segmentation is 
carried for these sub-images to get the regions of each level. 
These regions are used to guide fusion process. The activity 
level and match degree measure of the wavelet coefficients of 
source images are computed in these regions; and the maximum 
value rule and the weighted average rule are respectively used 
to combine the coefficients of detailed sub-images and 
approximate sub-images. At last, the combination coefficients 
are inversely transformed by wavelet to obtain the final fusion 
The choice of segmentation is vitally important because it 
directly influences the fusion decision. An appropriate 
segmentation will give useful information to image fusion, 
while an inappropriate segmentation will provide misleading 
information to guide the fusion process. Currently, the popular 
image segmentation methods used in the region based image 
fusion framework (Zhang, 1997; Piella,2003; Wang,2005; 
Lewis,2005) are c-means clustering, watershed algorithms, and 
Canny edge detection method. But these segmentation methods 
can be substituted by others. The selection of appropriate 
segmentation method is the first issue to be considered. 
Moreover, in the traditional region-based fusion framework, the 
effect of segmenting sub-images will be more serious than that 
of segmenting original images because sub-images contain 
lesser information as the number of decomposition level 
increases. There may be inaccuracy in segmented regions at 
each level no matter what segmentation methods are used. 
When inversely transformed by wavelet, the inaccuracy will 
increase level by level. To reduce the inaccuracy is the second 
issue to be considered. 
Formalization of appropriate rules to guide the fusion process is 
the third issue to be considered. 
To develop a more robust technique for the fusion of high- 
resolution, in this study, the following strategy is adopted: 
• Use of mean shift segmentation to substitute Canny 
• use of the original input images to get the binary image of 
shared region and then map of the shared region image to 
each level by down-sampling to ensure the consistency of 
segmentation at each level; and 
• use of Structure Similarity Index Metric (SSIM) proposed 
by Wang,(2002, 2004) to guide the fusion process instead 
of region match measure because SSIM has more physical 
Mean shift analysis is a newly developed nonparametric 
clustering technique based on density estimation for the analysis 
of complex feature spaces. It has found many successful 
applications such as image segmentation and tracking 
(Comaniciu,1999; Luo,2003). 
The mean shift procedure is an adaptive local steepest gradient 
ascent method. The mean shift vector is computed by the 
following formula: 
(x) = —h 2 c 
f„.o (X) 
Where the subscripts G and K are kernels, their 
corresponding profiles satisfy g(x) = —k (x) ; V f h K is 
the density gradient estimator of kernel K ; f h G is the 
probability density of new kernel G ; h is the bandwidth and 
C is a constant; X is the centre of kemel(window). 
It indicates that, at location x, the mean shift vector computed 
with kernel G is proportional to the normalized density 
gradient estimate obtained with kernel K . Therefore, to get the 
direction of V f hK (x) , only the vector 171 h G (x) should be 
calculated. The mean shift vector thus always points toward the 
direction of maximum increase in the density. 
The mean shift procedure is achieved by a 2-step iteration: 
1) Compute the mean shift vector 171 h G (x) , 
2) Translate the kernel (window) G(x) by 171 h G (x) until 
Since the control parameter has clear physical meanings, both 
gray level and color images are processed by the same 
algorithm. An image is typically represented as a 2-D lattice of 
p-dimensional vectors (pixels). When p=l, it denotes grey 
image. When p=3, it denotes color image. When p>3, it denotes 
multi-spectral image. The space of lattice is known as the

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