Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
6.5 Engineering geology complexity partition 
On the basis of region stability, it can be measured mainly from 
topographical relief, stratum lighology, fault structure, rock soil 
mass property, bad geology phenomena, hydrogeologic 
condition, recent tectonics movement, Earthquake and other 
aspects. It also considers the productive state of rock and human 
activities of destructing geology environment and other factors, 
adopts qualitative evaluation method and carries out partition 
for complexity degree of engineering geologic condition of the 
project area. 
6.6 Engineering geologic evaluation and scheme selection 
On the basis of appraisal partition and engineering geology 
division for the relief, structure, hydrological geology, bad 
geology, engineering geologic condition and others, it carries 
out analysis appraisal for engineering geology characteristic and 
main engineering geological problems of the project area and 
carries out selection for the drafted scheme. 
Ecological environment has already become one of focal points 
of government and public attention, especially a frail ecology 
cold and dry area like our country’s west, it is fully important to 
carry out monitoring for ecology environment. Mine ecological 
environment problems mainly include open exploitation delay, 
goaf, ore tailing, wastewater, groundwater overdraft and others. 
Because it is remarkably clear and striking that various ecology 
elements are represented on remote sensing map, furthermore it 
is very easy to distinguish out their size, shape, area and other 
elements, it can use remote sensing image to carry out 
identification and plotting for main ecology factors. All mine 
ecological environment problems have the direct or oblique 
reflection on remote sensing image, thus it can also find up their 
distribution scope, area and others by remote sensing 
explanation combined with field investigation mode. 
On the basis of remote sensing investigation of regional 
ecological environment and mine field ecological environment 
problem, the suggestion for ecological environment governing 
is presented. The governing for mine ecological environment 
mainly includes re-cultivation, re-green, tailings disposal and 
use, waste water treatment and use, groundwater overdraft 
monitoring and control, development and use of mine disuse 
terra and disuse engineering facilities. 
Using remote sensing multi-time phase feature can not only 
make out a judge for ecology actuality, but also monitor its 
change trend and governing result. 
Using multi-source remote sensing data can carry out a 
geometry correction, calibration, mix together, mosaic, 
enhancing processing to enhance spectral recognition ability for 
ground objects; Then, it carries out direct calculation of point- 
to-point for mine field different time-phase remote sensing 
image and adopts computer and manual work methods to find 
change information for land utilization type. Via fieldwork 
verification, it can ascertain mutative position, scope, type and 
area to realize fast monitoring for mine field land use and 
overcast change and furnish a gist for mine field planning and 
Via remote sensing geology mapping and mineral resources 
survey appraisal, it realizes exploration for mine field coal 
resource and analysis of existing circumstance of development 
and use. Via ecological environment survey it realizes analysis 
of existing circumstance for mine ecological environment. By 
monitoring mine field land use / overcast change, it realizes 
analysis of existing circumstance for mine field land use; 
Combined with supply and demand situation analyses and 
forecast of mineral resources, it ascertains the program 
objective mission. By engineering geologic investigation of 
remote sensing, it ascertains the planning scheme; thereby 
realizes integral planning for entire mine. 
Satellite remote sensing can cover every comer of earth. For 
any country and region it does not exist any blank area of 
information acquisition caused by nature or social factors, 
satellite remote sensing document can timely furnish spatial 
information of identical time phase, identical wave band, 
identical scale, identical precision for spacious regions and 
manifold remote sensing information source of heterogeneous 
and different scale, such as multispectral ETM + , SPOT, 
CBERS, IKONOS, Quickbird and others, high spectral MODIS, 
Hyperion, aviation imaging spectrograph OMIS and others, 
synthetic aperture radar image such as RADARSAT, ERS, 
JERS and others. It furnishes numerous selection for coal 
resources exploration and relevant information acquisition and 
possesses extensive application prospects. 
Wang Runsheng, Yang Wenli, Huang Danian and others, 1992, 
geologic exploration image analysis and syntheses, Beijing: 
geological publishing house. 
Li Deren, Gong Jianya, Zhu Xinyan and others, 1998, design 
concept and technology route of geospace data frame, Journal of 
Wuhan technical university of surveying and mapping, 23 ( 4). 
Zhang Yongsheng,2000, remote imaging information system, 
science publishing house. 
Chen Shupeng and others,2000, geographic information system, 
an introduction, science publishing house, Beijing. 
Remote sensing technique application on geologic survey, Xi'an 
geologic mineral institute website, http://www.xian.cgs.gov.cn. 

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