Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
GIS. Enhancing GIS capabilities for poverty mapping is 
important so as to facilitate finding answers that will help in 
policy formulation and implementation for poverty alleviation 
using spatial relationships. According to Sui (2002), the 
development of appropriate policies for reduction and eventual 
eradication of poverty and hunger hinges on the extent to which 
we can delineate the spatial patterns of hunger and poverty. 
Identifying which conceptual and methodological gaps to be 
filled in the spatial analysis of poverty is essential in enhancing 
GIS use. These researches can contribute to developing 
procedures for GIS use in development related application areas 
which can facilitate the achievement of the MDGs. It is also 
necessary to evaluate how appropriate and effective these 
procedures are in various context. These are some of the 
research areas that need to be continually investigated for the 
spatial sciences to contribute to the poverty mapping literature. 
Spatial scientists are best suited to provide the spatial tools and 
the theoretical base upon which poverty mapping practitioners 
can build applications. 
Akinyemi, F.O. 2007a. Poverty Reduction: Fighting Poverty 
with Maps. GeoConnexion magazine, November,2007, 35-37. 
Akinyemi, F.O.2007b. Spatial Data Needs for Poverty 
Management. In Onsrud, H. J. (ed.) Research and Theory in 
Advancing Spatial Data Infrastructure Concepts. Redlands, 
Carlifomia: ESRI Press, 262-277. 
Akinyemi F.O.2005. Modelling Poverty Reduction from a 
System Perspective. In Kremers, H. (ed.) Proceedings, 
International Symposium on Generalization of Information, 
Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), 
Inter. Council for Science (ICSU), September 14 -16, 2005, 
Berlin, Germany, 1-13. 
Bigman, D. and H. Fofack,2000. Geographical Targeting for 
Poverty Alleviation: An Introduction to the Special Issue. The 
World Bank Economic Review, 14/1, 129-145. 
ESRI and TAL (Tomlinson Associates Ltd),2001, 2002. 
Planning for a GIS. 
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United 
Nations),2002. Promoting the Contribution of the Sustainable 
Livelihoods Approach and the Code of Conduct for Responsible 
Fisheries in Poverty Alleviation. FAO Fisheries Report No. 678, 
Rome: FAO, FIPL/FIPP/R678, ISSN 0429-9337. 
Fofack, H.2000. Combining Light M,onitoring Surveys with 
Integrated Surveys to Improve Targeting for Poverty Reduction: 
The Case of Ghana. The World Bank Economic Review, 14/1, 
Hall, B.G. and Conning A., 1991. Integrating Demographic and 
Socio-Economic Data with PC-based GIS in Latin America. In: 
Possibilities and Constraints of GIS applications in developing 
countries, Eds. van Teefelen et al. Utrecht, The Netherlands. 
Henninger, N.,1998. Mapping and Geographic Analysis of 
Human Welfare and Poverty: Review and Assessment. 
Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. 
Henninger N. and Snel, M.,2002. Where are the poor? 
Experiences with the development and use of poverty maps. 
Washington, DC, World Resources Institute and UNEP/GRID- 
Arendal; Accessed 07.09.07 
Hyman, G., C. Larrea, and A. Farrow.,2005. Methods, Results 
and Policy Implications of Poverty and Food Security Mapping 
Assessments. Food Policy 30 (5-6): 453-460. 
Longley, P.A. and Batty, M. (Eds.),2003. Advanced spatial 
analysis. Redlands, Carlifomia: ESRI Press. 
Manansala, A.P.,(1999) Poverty Monitoring System in Angeles 
City, Philippines. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Division of Urban 
Planning and Management, International Institute for Aerospace 
Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC) Enschede, The Netherlands. 
Mennis, J and Liu, J.W.,2005. Mining Association Rules in 
Spatio-Temporal Data: An Analysis of Urban Socioeconomic 
and Land Cover Change. Transactions in GIS, 9(1): 5-17, 
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK. 
Snel, M.,2004. Poverty-conservation mapping applications. 
IUCN World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand. 
Available at 
Sui, D. Z.,2002. GIS and Spatial Analysis Tools for Poverty 
and Food Insecurity Mapping. Working Paper No. 7, 
Environment and Natural Resources, Rome: Food and 
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 
Tesfamicael, M.,2005 Calculation of Health Disparity Indices 
using Data Mining and the SAS Bridge to ESRI. Accessed 
UNITED NATIONS (forthcoming) Handbook on Poverty 
Statistics: Concepts, Methods and Policy Use. 
WHO 2003. Public HealthMapper: Data Management and 
Mapping for Public Health. WHO/CDS/CSR/ASR/99.3

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