Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
Classification method 
Overall classification 
accuracy (%) 
Maximum Likelihood 
Minimum Distance-to- 
Table 2. The overall classification accuracy for the image 
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Duda, T. and Canty, M., 2002, Unsupervised classification of 
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Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(11), 2193-2212. 
Foody, G. M. 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy 
assessment. Remote Sensing and Environment, 80, 185-201. 
Selamat, I., Nordin, L., Hamdan, N., Mohti, A. and Ha;id, M., 
2002, Evaluation of TiungSAt data for land cover/use mapping 
application. Proceeding of the Seminar Kumpulan Pengguna 
TiungSAT-1, Jabatan Remote Sensing dan Sains Geoinformasi, 
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Thomas, V., Treitz, P., Jelinski, D., Miller, J., Lafleur, P. and 
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Figure 4. The satellite image map of the City of Alkhabra, 
Saudi Arabia [Color Code: Green = vegetation, Orange = 
land/sand, Red = urban area] 
Satellite image as value-added data, is an alternative one that 
would be cost effective, up-to-date sources. Special 
requirements for digital format can also be made as that will be 
available at scales of 1: 50,000.00. A satellite image map at 
scales of 91,831.00 was produced in this study. This analysis 
has demonstrated the potential of a spatial approach in studying 
the land cover mapping. The Maximum Likelihood classifier 
produced high degree of accuracy. This study performed for 
creating the land cover map could be provides the useful for 
estimation of the vegetation area over Makkah, Saudi Arabia. 
From the result of the accuracy assessment, we were quite 
confident of the classified shown. 
This project was carried out using the Dr. Sultan AlSultan 
grants from 2003 - up todat and QU&USMb short term grants 
and Science Fund. We would like to thank the technical staff 
who participated in this project. Thanks are extended to QU 
Qassim Unv. Of Saudi Arabia, USM of Malaysia, (RSECO) 
Remote Sensing Environmental Consultant Office of Saudi 
Arabia, ISPRS, Commission 7.7 Middle East and The Islamic 
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) 
for support and encouragement.

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