Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

K. Nakagawa 3 , S. Kajikawa 3 , H.fujimura 3 , S. Sakabe 6 
3 Geographical Survey Institute, 1 Kitasato Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-0811, Japan 
(k-nakagawa, kajikawa, hfu)@gsi.gojp 
b Infrastructure Development Institute, New Kojimachi Bldg 5-3-23 Tokyo 102-0083, Japan 
KEYWORDS: Global, Environment, International, Cooperation, Mapping, Project, Digital, 
Global Map is global digital framework geographic information. 179 countries and regions 
participate with the project to develop the Global Map and over 96 % of whole land areas of the 
earth are included in the project. The first version of the Global Map data set has released by June, 
Global Map consists of eight layers, namely, boundaries, drainage, transportation, population 
centers, elevation, land-cover, land-use and vegetation. The scale of Global Map is 1 to 1 million or 
1 km resolution. The former four layers are provided by vector format and the latter four layers are 
provided as raster images. 
For monitoring and evaluation of the global environment issues, the data have to be updated 
continuously. Therefore, the Global Map is planed to update in every five years. 
1. Introduction 
The Global Map is a digital geographic data set 
covering almost whole land area of the earth. In 1992, 
Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and 
“Agenda 21” was adopted as an action program for 
addressing global environment problems. Agenda 21 
says various kinds of information are essential for 
decision making to realize sustainable development. 
In response to this program, the Ministry of 
Construction of Japan has proposed concept of global 
map and preparation works to launch the Global 
Mapping Project has been started. In 1996, 
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping 
(ISCGM) was established in order to promote the 
project. Actual works to develop Global Map data 
started in 1998 in a few countries which have already 
participated to the project. Currently 179 countries 
and regions participate the project and most of them 
have released Global Map version 1 by June 2008. 
This paper briefly summarizes the Global Mapping 
Project and introduces the Global Map version 1. 
2. Participants 
The Global Mapping Project is being promoted by 
voluntary participation of national mapping 
organizations and regional geographic information 
organizations in the world. In 1998, ISCGM called for 
participation to the project to the National Mapping 
Organizations around the world with a letter of 
Director of department of statistics, UN. After that, the 
Secretariat of ISCGM was continuing the calling to 
the un-participating countries and regions. These 
approaches are continued still now. As a result of these 
activities, the number of participating countries and

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