Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

A. Drozd a , S. Torrusio b ’ *, M. Arturi c . 
“Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo-Universidad Nacional de La Plata, b Comisión Nacional de Actividades 
Espaciales, c Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales-Universidad Nacional de La Plata. 
Working Group VII/5 
KEY WORDS: forestry, change detection, classification, multi-temporal, monitoring, prediction, management. 
The forest in the province of Misiones, northeastern of Argentina, is a portion of Paraná Forest (or Atlantic Forest) located also in 
the south of Brasil and Paraguay. At the beginning of the last century the native forest had an extension of more than 100.000.000 
ha. Actually, Brasil preserves only the 5% and Paraguay the 10% very spoiled and fragmented. In Argentina the decrease was the 
45%, and keeps in existence 1.422.661 ha (National Forest Inventory 2003), with the higher values of biodiversity of the country. 
This area in Argentina has an accelerated rhythm of urbanization and deforestation. The productive system in the zone provides 
between 70% to 85% of wood to national market. Recent studies of diversity and dynamic of the native communities are very 
limited. For these reasons it’s necessary to increase the spatial information of the natural resources, the expansion of human 
activities and the disturbances in the environment to improve the management, the arrangement of territory and the tools for the 
decisions makers. The main objectives of this study were: to analysis spatial and temporally the structure and dynamic of forest in 
the Valley of Cuña Piru (sector of Atlantic Forest, Misiones), and to compare different methods and tools in order to develop an 
efficient and operative methodology for a systematic monitoring of the status/condition of the area, by mean of satellite images 
analysis (Landsat and Aster) and GIS techniques (modeling, mapping of changes, identification of plants structures and physonomy 
by different classification methods). The preliminary results showed an operative and efficient methodology with remote sensing 
tools for the forest monitoring and a preliminary protocol of processes was developed. 
The Interior Atlantic Forest (SAI), called, in Argentina, Selva 
Paranaense or Misionera, extends along the east coast of 
Brazil, east of Paraguay and northeast of Argentina (Cabrera 
1976, Olson & Dimerstein 1998). 
As other natural systems, has suffered a sharp decline during 
the past century and nowadays survives only the 5% in Brazil, 
and 10% in Paraguay of the 100 million existing hectares in 
early century, mostly in a highly fragmented and deteriorating 
way(Holz & Placci 2003). In Argentina, the reduction was near 
45%, leaving a remnant of 1.422.661 ha natural forests 
(Montenegro et al. 2002), concentrating here, the National 
greatest biodiversity (Zuloaga et al. 1999). Despite this, the 
SAI of Argentina is one of the least studied forests units of the 
country and with the most accelerated rate of urbanization and 
deforestation (Arturi et al 2005). This situation stands out the 
needs to increase spatial information, both in resources as in 
human disturbance activities in order to develop appropriate 
criteria for land use management. 
Focusing mainly on the length of studied area, the tropical 
forest coverage mapping and its monitoring, can be 
accomplished by applying remote sensing and geographic 
information systems (GIS) (Freeman & Fox 1999). 
Despite the emergence of new sensors, the MSS/TM Landsat 
images remain to be useful. These images cover a 30 years 
period that allows a clear analysis of tropical forest changes. 
There are many examples in this regards: PRODES Project of 
the National Space Research Institute (INPE) of Brazil that 
* Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communicat 
monitors the amazonian deforestation evolution since 1973, 
such as Skole & Tucker (1993) researches exploring the 
relationship of Amazon deforestation rate and its interference 
with climate change, Vieira et. al . 2003, Lu et.al. 2003 , who 
develope classification methods for Amazon vegetation units 
mapping by using Landsat; Hansen et.al . (2001), Gautman 
et.al (2003), Fronsini de Barros Ferraz et.al (2005) whose 
researches are based on landscape dynamics of forests 
deforestation and fragmentation by applying Landsat; among 
The present study analyzed the SAI Laurel-Guatambu forest 
and forested land changes in Cuna Piru Valley, Misiones, and 
its environs, from 1973 to 2007 with MSS/TM/ETM+ Landsat, 
and ASTER sensors; and GIS techniques. The main objectives 
of this study were: to analysis spatial and temporally the 
structure and dynamic of forest in the Valley of Cufia Piru 
(sector of Atlantic Forest, Misiones, Fig. 1), and to compare 
different methods and tools in order to develop an efficient and 
operative methodology for a systematic monitoring of the 
status/condition of the area. 
Figure 1. Location of Study Area

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