Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B7-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B7. Beijing 2008 
The method processed the statistics of building main direction, 
and planned the segments in accordance with the main direction, 
so we can able to control the shape of the top of buildings good. 
Taking the straight line of detected edge as reference, it has a 
relative strong anti-noise capability. This method is relatively 
stable, high accurate. Extracting is more dependent on the effect 
of edge detecting, if the edge is not clear, shadow and the 
surrounding features and buildings are very alike, the detection 
result is not satisfied or the outcome is wrong. In addition, 
during the line extension because it is difficult to find a method 
of parallel extent, which can only divide region into rectangle, 
and there are no unique guidelines of merger, results in the 
extraction incomplete to the multi-angle type. 
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Our research project i s supported by the “ National S cientific 
Fund Program (No. 40771159)”, the “ University d octor 
disciplines S cientific Fund Program of Ministry of Education 
(No. 20070 147008 )” , the “Open Research Fund Program of 
the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in 
Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing of Wuhan 
University (No. WKL(07)0303 )” , and the “42nd Postdoctor 
S cientific Fund Program (No. 20070420918 )” . 

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