CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
detect flooded roads in urban areas. Secondly, the geometric ac
curacy of the used OpenStreeMap road objects are in many cases
not accurate enough for a correct assignment.
Possible assignment
Correct assignment
Manual control necessary
Wrong assignment
Table 2: Results Scenario: Gloucesterhire
This article presents a classification system to assess GIS-objects
concerning their functionality. The system is evaluated by means
of two test scenarios with the goal to derive the trafficability of
roads during a flooding. Both test scenarios show the good per
formance and especially the efficiency of this approach. In fu
ture work, the whole system will be evaluated using real ground
truth to identify the reliability in disaster scenarios. Moreover,
the additional benefit combining different image data types such
as optical and radar will be part of further study. Currently, the
combination of the probabilities is accomplished with a simple
multiplication. It has to be investigated, if the combination of
different probabilities could be realized better using a Dampster-
Shafer framework. In addition, future work comprises the devel
opment of multi-temporal models to better exploit different image
acquisition times including different data types. A further point
is the preprocessing of the used GIS-objects to impove the spatial
accuracy of the used infrastructure objects.
This work is part of the IGSSE project ’’SafeEarth” funded by
the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state govern
ments, and part of the project ’’DeSecure”. The author would
like to thank the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Sachsen-Anhalt to provide the DEM and the ATKIS road data.
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