Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
usually very huge and mobile platforms have limited 
computation resource (CPU power, memory, storage, and 
wireless network speed). There are several techniques have 
been proposed to visualize, navigate, interact, and query 
database systems in virtual environment. 
2.1 3D Rendering techniques 
Early studies on 3D maps often attempted to use mobile devices 
with direct model view software. In 3D computer graphics, 
numerous rendering techniques are available to cope with 
complex virtual environment, including discrete and continuous 
multi-resolution geometry and texture representations, view- 
frustum culling, occlusion culling, imposter techniques, and 
scene-graph optimizations (Akine-Moller and Haines 2002). 
Visualizations of virtual 3D city models and large terrain 
require an efficient management of large-scale texture data, 
such as images of building facades, aerial photography pictures 
of the terrain, and level-of-details (LOD) management for 
hierarchy of mesh refinement operations for large 
heterogeneous 3D object collections. Although these rendering 
techniques enable real-time rendering of complex 3D scene, 
they still cannot be rendered on mobile devices due to limited 
computational resources and power. 
In order to efficient mobile 3D rendering, numerous techniques 
have been approached. Royan et al (2003) describe client-server 
architecture for mobile 3D virtual city visualizations based on a 
progressive and hierarchical representation for 3D geo-virtual 
environments. In his approach, the server firstly pre-computes 
multi-resolution representations of terrain models and building 
models, and then sends these data about visible areas to the 
mobile clients progressively. However, this method need clients 
implement rendering task dynamically and it is difficult to 
mobile devices due to the broad variety of hardware and 
software solutions for mobile 3D graphics (e.g. OpenGLES, 
Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME) (J. Dollncr, B. Hagodorn 
and S. Schmidt 2006). 
Another principle solution consists in server-side 3D rendering 
and the progressive, compressed transmission of image 
sequences. Cheng et al. (2004) investigate a client-server 
approach for visualizing complex 3D models on thin clients 
applying real-time MPEG-4 streaming to compress, transmit, 
and visualize rendered image sequences. They identify the 
MPEG-4 encoding speed as bottleneck of client-server 3D 
rendering, and devise a fast motion estimation process for the 
MPEG-4 encoding. 
2.2 Data Model 
The main purpose of navigation application is to interpret the 
process such as “whereby people determine where they are, 
where everything else is, and how to get to particular objection 
or places” (Jul and Furnas 1997). The task can be distinguished 
into three kinds, naive search, targeted search, and exploration 
(Darken and Sibert 1996). To do this, users need builds up a 
mental model of the virtual environment by forming linear 
maps and combining them to spatial maps (Ingram and Benford 
1995), and corporate task-based constraints on the navigation 
parameters (e.g. viewer position and orientation). 
At the present time, a lot of work has been done which mainly 
aim at how to enhance the visualization efficiency and many 
sophisticated data structures have been designed. For example, 
a number of LOD algorithms have been developed to create a 
hierarchy of mesh refinement operations to adapt the surface 
and decimate polygons thus reducing complexity of 
computation without affecting the quality of scenes. (Lindstrom 
et al. 1996) introduce a real-time smooth and continuous LOD 
reduction using a mesh defined by right triangles recursively 
subdivided according a user-specified image quality metric. 
Some hierarchies use Delaunay triangulations (e.g. Cohen-Or 
and Levanoni 1996; Cignoni et al 1997; Rabinovich and 
Gotsman 1997) while others allow arbitrary connectivities (e.g. 
De Floriani et al 1997; Hugues Hoppe 1998; El-Sana and 
Varshney 1999). In (Duchaineau et al. 1997), the authors 
introduced ROMAing method as a very efficient algorithm 
based on triangle diamonds managed with split and merge 
operations performed using priority queues. The algorithm now 
is widely used in games industry, but its implementation is 
tedious according to (Blow 2000). In 2002, (Levenberg) 
propose to reduce the CPU overhead of the previous binary- 
triangle-tree-based LOD algorithms by manipulating aggregate 
triangles instead of simple triangles. 
But applications of 3D navigation suffer from a lack of data 
standards and flexible distribution techniques. The virtual 3D 
models frequently are implemented as graphic models without 
explicitly modeling semantic and topological relations. 
Therefore, the data can only be used for visualization purpose 
but not as a basis for higher-level functionality such as 
simulations, analysis tasks, or spatial data mining. 
Before geo resources can be efficiently accessed at runtime, the 
datasets including digital elevation models (DEM), aerial 
photographs, entity models and their facade images need to be 
prepared and organized in an offline process. The main purpose 
of this process is to define the data structures, compress the 
spatial data, reduce the data redundancy and enhance the 
rendering efficiency. 
In recent years, there have been many techniques purposed to 
partition and organize data with multiple resolution into 
hierarchical structure. The most common ones are Quad-tree, 
BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) tree and Octree. In our 
approach, we designed a pyramid mode for multi-resolution 
virtual environment and partition the whole world into different 
levels and block in terms of latitude and longitude. As each 
level of pyramid data has its own specific storage unit (Here 
these units are called as tiles) and access needs, for each level /, 
with grid spacing S ,= Sx2~' in world space, it is let the 
desired active region be the square of size nS, x nS, ■ Here the 
parameter of S represents the total space of the area. 
When multi-resolution pyramid is generating, each level of 
pyramid is represented by hierarchical quad-tree data structure 
and one tile corresponds to a certain range of region, where the 
width and height of the tiles are measured in decimal degrees. 
Child nodes are generated from a parent node by equally 
splitting the parent node tile into 4 quadrants. Each child nodes 
tile has half the width and height of the parent node tile. The 
top-level node in this tree structure represents the area of the 
entire tile, its children each represent one fourth of the terrain 
area, their children in turn each cover one sixteenth of the area 
(see figure 1). The root node of the tree is denoted as levels of 0, 
and is centered on the latitude </> = 0° and longitude 2 = 0°, so

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