CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
Figure 1: The integrated model schema as a grUML diagram. Semantic entities are colored white with namespace ”sem”, appearance
entities are colored gray with namespace ”app” and geometry/topology entities are colored dark gray with namespace ”geo/top”.
TGraphs are directed graphs whose vertices and edges are typed,
ordered and attributed. Their structure, types and attributes help
to model the different aspects (topology, geometry, semantics,
and appearance annotation) of urban objects in a common in
tegrated data structure. TGraphs are supported by a powerful
API (JGraLab 9 ) in combination with a graph query’ language
(GReQL) and a corresponding UML-based metamodeling ap
proach (grUML). grUML is a subset of UML class diagrams
which allows the specification of classes of TGraphs on the
schema level (Ebert et al., 2008). Figure 1 contains an example.
2.2 Lightweight component model
If all relevant data of the urban object model are stored in a
TGraph, all processing of the model can be encapsulated in ap
propriate components working on this particular TGraph.
The work described here is based on a light-weight Java compo
nent model which is employed for the different processing activ
ities on the model (see section 4). The component concept is ba
sically an extension of the well-known strategy pattern (Gamma
et al., 1995). Every component has a definition in the form of a
Java interface which describes its service and at least one imple
mentation in the form of a Java class.
9 http://j
Components are serializable and get their data to process as argu
ments of their execute ()-methods. Further data that influence
their work are handled as parameters which have a default value
and are manipulated via getters and setters. For example some
processing steps can be configured by parameters (like thresh
The internal representation of urban object models by TGraphs
has to be specified by a metamodel, called schema in the follow
ing. This schema defines the set of compliant TGraphs. Classes
define the possible vertex types, and associations define the edge
types. The attributes of vertices and edges can be added accord
ing to the well-known UML notation, as well. Edge direction is
visualized by arrow heads, though it should be noted, that TGraph
edges are traversable in both directions by algorithms.
Figure 1 shows the main parts of an integrated schema which de
fines a set of TGraphs for urban objects. (To improve readability
all enumeration types and some semantic subclasses as well as
attributes are elided.) This schema is inspired by and partially
derived from the CityGML 1.0 schema. Especially it follows the
idea to separate the four relevant aspects of an urban object model
(namely topology, geometry, semantics, and appearance).