Full text: CMRT09

Utilization of 3D City Models and Airborne Laser Scanning for Terrain-based 
Navigation of Helicopters and UAVs 
M. Hebei, M. Arens, U. Stilla 
FGAN-FOM, Germany, Germany; 
Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany 187 
Study of SIFT Descriptors for Image Matching based Localization in Urban 
Street View Context 
D. Picard, M. Cord, E. Valle 
UPMC Paris 6, France; 
Univ Cergy-Pontoise, France 193 
Text Extraction from Street Level Images 
J. Fabrizio, M. Cord, B. Marcotegui 
Laboratoire d’informatique de Paris 6, France; 
Mathématiques et Systèmes, France 199 
Circular Road Sign Extraction from Street Level Images using Colour, 
Shape and Texture Database Maps 
A. Arlicot, B. Soheilian, N. Paparoditis 
Institut Géographique National, France 205 
Improving Image Segmentation using Multiple View Analysis 
M. Drauschke, R. Roscher, T. Lâbe, W. Fôrstner 
University of Bonn, Germany 211 
Refining Building Facade Models with Images 
S Pu, G. Vosselman 
ITC, The Netherlands 217 
An Unsupervised Hierarchical Segmentation of a Facade Building Image in 
Elementary 2D - Models 
J.-P. Burochin, O. Tournaire, N. Paparoditis 
Institut Géographique National, France 223 
Grammar Supported Facade Reconstruction from Mobile Lidar Mapping 
S. Becker, N. Haala 
University of Stuttgart, Germany 229 
Author Index 

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