Full text: CMRT09

In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009 
S. Saeedi a , F. Samadzadegan b , N. El-Sheimy a 
a Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, T2N 1N4, AB, Canada - (ssaeedi, elsheimy)@ucalgary.ca 
b Department of Geomatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran - samadz@ut.ac.ir 
Commission III, WG III/4 
KEY WORDS: Clustering, LIDAR, Artificial Bee Colony, Urban Area, Object Extraction 
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) systems have become a standard data collection technology for capturing object surface 
information and 3D modeling of urban areas. Although, LIDAR systems provide detailed valuable geometric information, they still 
require extensive interpretation of their data for object extraction and recognition to make it practical for mapping purposes. A 
fundamental step in the transformation of the LIDAR data into objects is the segmentation of LIDAR data through a clustering 
process. Nevertheless, due to scene complexity and the variety of objects in urban areas, e.g. buildings, roads, and trees, clustering 
using only one single cue will not reach meaningful results. The multi dimensionality nature of LIDAR data, e.g. laser range and 
intensity information in both first and last echo, allow the use of more information in the data clustering process and ultimately into 
the reconstruction scheme. Multi dimensionality nature of LIDAR data with a dense sampling interval in urban applications, provide 
a huge amount of valuable information. However, this amount of information produces a lot of problems for traditional clustering 
techniques. This paper describes the potential of an artificial swarm bee colony optimization algorithm to find global solutions to the 
clustering problem of multi dimensional LIDAR data in urban areas. The artificial bee colony algorithm performs neighborhood 
search combined with random search in a way that is reminiscent of the food foraging behavior of swarms of honey bees. Hence, by 
integrating the simplicity of the A'-means algorithm with the capability of the artificial bee colony algorithm, a robust and efficient 
clustering method for object extraction from LIDAR data is presented in this paper. This algorithm successfully applied to different 
LIDAR data sets in different urban areas with different size and complexities. 
The need for rapidly generating high-density digital elevation 
data for areas of considerable spatial extent has been one of the 
main motives for the development of commercial airborne laser 
scanning systems. During the last decade, several clustering and 
filtering techniques have been developed for the extraction of 
3D objects for city modelling applications or removing the 
“artefacts” of bare terrain (i.e. Buildings and trees) in order to 
obtain the true Digital Elevation Model (Filin and Pfeifer; 2006; 
Kraus and Pfeifer, 1998; Lodha et al., 2007; Rottensteiner and 
Briese, 2002; Tovari and Vogtle, 2004). 
However due to low information content and resolution of 
available commercial LIDAR scanners, it is difficult to 
correctly recognize and remove 3D objects exclusively from 
LIDAR range data in urban areas (Maas, 2001; Samadzadegan, 
2004; Tao and Hu, 2001; Vosselman et al., 2004). 
In order to improve the performance of 3D object extraction 
process, additional data should be considered. Most LIDAR 
systems register, at least, two echoes of the laser beam, the first 
and the last echo, which generally correspond to the highest and 
the lowest object point hit by the laser beam. First and last echo 
data will especially differ in the presence of vegetation (Kraus, 
2002). Moreover, LIDAR systems record the intensity of the 
returned laser beam which is mainly in the infrared part of the 
electromagnetic spectrum. In addition, an extra powerful source 
of information is visible image. Digital images can provide 
additional information through their intensity and spectral 
content as well as their high spatial resolution which is better 
than the resolution of laser scanner data. 
Therefore, in the context of 3D object extraction in urban 
areas, various type of information can be fused to overcome 
the difficulties of classification and identification of 
complicated objects (Lim and Suter, 2007; Vosselman et al., 
2004). Collecting this information, extremely enlarge the size 
of data sets and proportionally the dimension of feature spaces 
in clustering process. As a result, most of traditional clustering 
techniques that have been applied with standard data and low 
feature space dimension are not efficient enough for object 
extraction process from LIDAR data (Melzer, 2007; Lodha et 
al., 2007). 
&-means is one of the most popular clustering algorithms for 
handling massive datasets. The algorithm is efficient at 
clustering large data sets because its computational 
complexity only grows linearly with the number of data points 
(Kotsiantis and Pintelas, 2004). However, the algorithm may 
converge to solutions that are not optimal. This paper presents 
an artificial bee colony (ABC) clustering algorithm for 
overcoming the existing problems of traditional A:-means. 
Historically, the notion of finding useful patterns in data has 
been given a variety of names including data clustering, data 
mining, knowledge discovery, pattern recognition, information 
extraction, etc (Ajith et al., 2006). Data clustering is an 
analytic process designed to explore data by discovering of 
consistent patterns and/or systematic relationships between 
variables, and then to validate the findings by applying the 
detected patterns to new subsets of data.

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