CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
Figure 1. Flat-roofed (a) and gable-roofed (c) building in optical image overlaid with corresponding regions after segmentation (b,c)
countries rooftops look usually grey, reddish or brownish but
almost never green. Roof types can roughly be subdivided into
flat roofs and gable-roofs. Flat roofs coincide often with rather
homogeneous image regions (Fig. la) while gable-roofs
sometimes appear less homogeneous. Chimneys and shadows
cast by chimneys may further complicate roof extraction if
homogeneous planes are fit to roofs (Fig. 1 c,d). Due to similar
colour of adjacent roof and street regions, such entities are
sometimes hard to be told apart even for human interpreters
(Fig. 1 a,b).
In this work the focus is on fusion of building primitive
hypotheses delivered by approaches from the literature, tailored
to the specific constraints that are determined by the
particularities of the optical and microwave realm, respectively.
With respect to the visible domain, a robust model-based roof
detection approach introduced in Mueller and Zaum (2005),
known to deliver good results, was used. It is based on an initial
region growing step yielding homogeneous segments. As a
consequence of the previously outlined diverse appearance of
building roofs in optical imagery, such segmentation may
sometimes lead to suboptimal results if contrast between roof
regions and adjacent regions is very low (Fig. la). Thus, the
region growing step can lead to erroneous roof segments (Fig.
lb). Gable-roofs usually split up into at least two segments if
they are not oriented along the sun illumination direction (Fig.
1. c,d). Sometimes, gable-roofs may split up into even more
than two segments and only parts are evaluated as roof regions.
In such cases, the introduction of building hints from SAR data
can highly improve building detection.
2.2 Feature Extraction
The building roof extraction approach consists of a low-level
and a subsequent high-level image processing step (Mueller and
Zaum, 2005). The low-level step includes transformation of the
RGB image to HSI (Hue Saturation Intensity) representation, a
segmentation of building hypotheses in the intensity image and
the application of morphological operators in order to close
small holes. Region growing, initialized with regularly
distributed seed points on a grid, is used as image segmentation
method. Seed points that fall into a grid cell which either
consists of shadow or features a greenish hue value are erased
and no region growing is conducted. Adjacent roof regions
having a significant shadow region next to them are merged.
This step is important for gable-roofed buildings because
sometimes the roof is split at the roof ridge due to different
illumination of the two roof parts. However, gable-roofs that
were split up into more than two segments are not merged to
one single segment which is the main reason for undetected
buildings later-on in the process.
Features are extracted for each roof hypothesis in order to
prepare for classification. Four different feature types are used,
based on geometry, shape, radiometry, and structure. Geometric
features are the region size and its perimeter. The shape of a
building region is described by its compactness and length.
Right angles, distinguishing roofs from trees in the real world,
are not used as a shape feature since the region growing step
may lead to segments that are not rectangular although they
represent roofs (Fig. lb). Radiometry is used in order to sort out
regions with a high percentage of green pixels. Structural
features are for example neighbouring building regions and
shadows cast by the potential building. Shadows are good hints
for elevated objects. In order to not take into account shadows
cast by trees, only shadows with relatively straight borders are
considered as belonging to buildings.
Finally, a classification based on the previously determined
feature vector takes place (see chapter 4.2 for details). All
necessary evaluation intervals and thresholds were learned from
manually classified training regions.
3.1 Appearance of Buildings
The appearance of buildings in InSAR data is characterized by
the oblique illumination of the scene and therefore the image
projection in slant range geometry. Furthermore, it depends on
sensor parameters, on properties of the imaged object itself, and
on the object’s direct environment.
In Fig. 2 an example of flat-roofed buildings in optical (Fig. 2a)
and InSAR data (Fig. 2 b,d) is given. The appearance of
different building types and effects that occur if the scene is
illuminated from two orthogonal flight directions have been
comprehensively discussed in Thiele et al. (2007 and 2008).
The magnitude profile of a building is typically a sequence of
areas of various signal properties: layover, corner reflector
between ground and building wall, roof, and finally radar
shadow (Fig. 2c). The layover area is the building signal
situated the closest to the sensor in the image because its
distance is the shortest. It usually appears bright due to
superposition of backscatter from ground, façade, and roof. The
layover area ends at the bright so-called corner reflector line.
This salient feature is caused by double-bounce reflection at a
dihedral corner reflector spanned by ground and wall along the
building. This line coincides with a part of the building
footprint and can be distinguished from other lines of bright
scattering using the InSAR phases (see Fig. 2d and profile in
Fig. 2e). The single backscatter signal of the building roof is
either included in the layover mixture or scattered away from