Full text: CMRT09

«IMBiiìf* . ' : 
Jean-Pascal Burochin, Olivier Tournaire and Nicolas Paparoditis 
Université Paris-Est, Institut Géographique National, Laboratoire MATIS 
73 Avenue de Paris, 94165 Saint-Mandé Cedex, France 
{firstname.lastname} @ign.fr 
Commission III/3, III/4 
KEY WORDS: street level imagery, façade reconstruction, unsupervised hierarchical segmentation, gradient accumulation, recursive 
split, model matching 
We introduce a new unsupervised segmentation method adapted to describe façade shapes from a single calibrated street level image. 
The image is first rectified thanks to its vanishing points to facilitate the extraction of façade main structures which are characterized 
by a horizontal and vertical gradient accumulation which enhances the detection of repetitive structures. Our aim is to build a hierarchy 
of rectangular regions bounded by the local maxima of the gradient accumulation. The algorithm recursively splits horizontally or 
vertically the image into two parts by maximizing the total length of regular edges until the radiometric content of the region hypothesis 
corresponds to a given model (planar and generalized cylinders). A regular edge is a segment of a main gradient direction that effectively 
matches to a contour of the image. This segmentation could be an interesting tool for façade modelling and is in particular well suited 
for façade texture compression. 
1.1 Context 
Façade analysis (detection, understanding and reconstruction) 
from street level imagery is currently a very active research do 
main in the photogrammetric computer vision field. Indeed, it 
has many applications. Façade models can for instance be used 
to increase the level of details of 3D city models generated from 
aerial or satellite imagery. They are also useful for a compact 
coding of façade image textures for streaming or for an embed 
ded system. The characterization of stable regions in façades is 
also necessary for a robust indexation and image retrieval. 
1.2 Related work 
Existing façade extraction frameworks are frequently specialized 
for a certain type of architectural style or a given texture appear 
ance. In a procedural way, operators often step in a pre-process 
to split correctly the image in suitable regions. Studied images 
indeed are assumed to be framed in such a way that they exactly 
contain relevant information data such as windows on a clean wall 
Most building façade analysis techniques try to extract specific 
shapes/objects from the façade: windows frame, etc. Most of 
them are data driven, i.e. image features are first extracted and 
then some models are matched with them to build object hypothe 
ses. Some other model-driven techniques try to find more com 
plex objects which are patterns or layouts of simple objects (e.g. 
alignments in ID or in 2D). Higher level techniques try to gener 
ate directly a hierarchy of complex objects composed of patterns 
of simple objects usually with grammar-based approaches. Those 
methods generally devote their strategy to a special architectural 
1.2.1 Single pattern detection Strategies to extract shape hy 
potheses abound in recent works. (Cech and Sara. 2007), for in 
stance, propose a segmentation based on a maximum a posteriori 
labeling. They associate each image pixel with values linked with 
some configuration rules. They extract a set of non-overlapping 
windowpanes hypotheses, assumed to form axis-parallel rectan 
gles of relatively low variability in appearance. This restriction 
does not take into account lighting variations. With a supervised 
classification-based approach, (Ali et al., 2007) extracted win 
dows width an adaboost algorithm. In the same fashion, (Wenzel 
and Forstner, 2008) minimize user interaction with a clustering 
procedure based on appearance similarity. 
Assuming the regularity of the façade, (Lee and Nevatia, 2004) 
use a gradient profile projection to locate window edges coordi 
nates. They first locate valley between two extrema blocks of 
each gradient accumulation profile and they roughly frame some 
floors and windows columns. Edges are then adjusted on local 
data information. Their results are relevant for façades whose 
background does not contain any contours such as railings, bal 
conies or cornices. 
1.2.2 ID or 2D grid structures detection (Korah and Ras 
mussen, 2007, Reznik and Mayer, 2007) use linear primitives to 
generate rectangle hypotheses for windows. A Markov Random 
Field (MRF) is then used to constrain the hypotheses on a 2D 
regular grid. (Korah and Rasmussen. 2007) generate their rect 
angular hypotheses in a similar way as (Han and Zhu. 2005): 
they project on image 3D planar rectangles. (Reznik and Mayer. 
2007) learn windows outline from training data and use as hy 
potheses for window corners characteristic points. 
1.2.3 Façade grammars A façade grammar describes the 
spatial composition rules of complex objects (e.g. grid structure) 
and/or simple objects to construct a façade. Approaches based 
on grammars succeed in describing only façades corresponding 
to the grammar. Nevertheless, to obtain a detailed description a 
specific grammar is required per type of architecture (e.g. Haus- 
manian in the case of Parisian architecture). The drawback is that 
many grammars are necessary to describe the variety of building 
architectures in a general framework.

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