In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 3A/V4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009
Figure 2: The rectification process, upper left: original image
only; upper right: original image with segments that support main
vanishing points (green and blue ones are those for the main ver
tical direction, yellow and white ones for the main horizontal di
rection and red ones for an aberrant vanishing point); bottom left:
rectified image with rectified segments that support the two se
lected directions; bottom right: rectified image only
Given a region of a rectified image, we try to match two geomet
ric models with data in increasing complexity order: the planar
model Mi, then the generalized cylinders one M 2 - This de
cision tree indeed provides a good compromise between quality
and compression rate.
To match an image region with a model, we simply count local
radiometric differences as follows. Let I k be the sub-image at
region Rk of a façade image I. Sub-image I k is described by
model M when the deviation NmÎR) is small enough and if
this model is the simplest one. Deviation Nm(Iic) is defined by
the number of pixels whose radiometry differs too much from the
model. Radiometric medians provide some significative robust
ness: the influence of parasite structures such as tree branches or
lighting posts, is significantly reduced. Figure 3 illustrates mod
els we use.
Figure 3: Description of our radiometric 2Z)-models
An instance of a planar model is depicted on the lower-right cor
ner of figure 3.
Mi : Vp € Rk, h{p) = median(h) + e(p) (1)
where e(p) is the difference between the image Ik and the model
M\ at the pixel p. If this difference is smaller than an arbi
trary threshold, it is tolerated. It refers to the acquisition noise
or some texture defects. Otherwise, the deviation NM(h) is in
4.2 Generalized Cylinder Model
A generalized cylinder model is designed either in columns (M 2 )
or in rows (Mo)- The model in columns is composed of medi
ans of columns and the cylinder model in rows is composed of
medians of rows. They are is defined by equation 2. Functions
mediarix and median y respectively return the median of the
column at x abscissa and the row at y ordinate. Figure 3 shows
an instance of each generalized cylinder model.
V(x,2/) € Rk,
M 2 : h(x,y) = mediarix (I k{x,y)) + e(x,y) (2)
M l 2 : h{x,y) = mediany (I k (x,y)) + e(x,y)
where e(x,y) is the difference between the image I k and the
model M 2 at the pixel (x,y). In the same manner as planar
model, the deviation NM(h) is incremented when this differ
ence is greater than an arbitrary threshold.
Given a region of a rectified image that does not match with any
model, we try to split it by measuring the internal gradient distri
bution energy.
5.1 Generating splitting hypotheses
4.1 Planar Model
A planar model is an image with an uniform radiometry. Let Mi
be the planar model of a sub-image I k - It is defined by equation 1.
We select split hypotheses with a technique close to (Lee and
Nevatia, 2004). We accumulate x-gradient absolute values by
column and y-gradient absolute values by row, where x-gradient
and y-gradients are related respectively to vertical and horizontal