Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
which captures the repetitive patterns and particularities of the 
building. Finally, new buildings can be generated in the 
architectural style defined by the derived grammar. Even though 
this approach provides individually representative grammars 
instead of predefined ones, the crucial part of the inference 
process, the facade interpretation, has to be done manually. In 
contrast we pursue an approach which runs fully automatically 
during all processing steps. 
The automatic generation of a facade grammar, which is derived 
from 3D point cloud measurements of a mobile mapping 
system, are discussed in section 2. As demonstrated in section 3 
top-down predictions can be activated and used for the 
improvement and completion of the reconstruction result that 
has already been derived from the observed measurements 
during the bottom-up modelling. Moreover, the facade grammar 
can be applied to synthesize facades for which no sensor data is 
available. The discussion of 3D reconstruction results 
demonstrated in section 4 will conclude the paper. 
The automatic generation of a facade grammar based on 
terrestrial LiDAR data is the core of our facade modelling 
approach. The first step is a data driven reconstruction process 
aiming at the detection of geometric facade structures in the 
observed point clouds. In this regard, a facade defines a planar 
polygon with holes. Such holes indicate either windows, which 
will be modelled as indentations, or salient structures such as 
balconies, oriels or windowsills, which will be attached in the 
form of protrusions. The result of the data driven facade 
reconstruction serves as knowledge base for the generation of 
facade geometries where no sensor data is available. This 
knowledge, which includes information on dominant or 
repetitive structures as well as their interrelationships, can be 
inferred fully automatically and stored as a facade grammar. 
While data collection will be described as a pre-processing step 
in section 2.1, the basic concepts of the data driven 
reconstruction and the subsequent grammar inference will be 
addressed in section 2.2 and 2.3, respectively. 
2.1 Data Collection 
The StreetMapper mobile laser scanning system which was 
used for our experiments collects 3D point clouds at a full 360° 
field of view by operating four 2D-laser scanners 
simultaneously. The required direct georeferencing during 3D 
point cloud collection is realized by the integration of 
observations from GPS and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). 
Figure 1 shows a 3D visualisation of the measured trajectory 
overlaid to the 3D city model which was also used for the 
following tests. This 3D city model is maintained by the City 
Surveying Office of Stuttgart. The roof geometry of the 
respective buildings was modelled based on photogrammetric 
stereo measurement while the walls trace back to given building 
footprints. The trajectory was captured during our tests within 
an area in the city centre of Stuttgart at a size of 1.5 km x 2km. 
The respective point clouds were measured at a point spacing of 
approximately 4cm. Figure 2 depicts a part of the StreetMapper 
point cloud at the historic Schillerplatz in the pedestrian area of 
Stuttgart. The observed points are overlaid to the corresponding 
3D building models in order to show the quality and amount of 
detail of the available data. Another measured point cloud 
overlaid to an existing coarse building model is shown in 
Figure 3. This example is used in the following to illustrate our 
bottom-up process for facade reconstruction. Within this 
process, the geometric information inherent in the available 
point cloud is exemplarily extracted for the facade marked by 
the white polygon. 
Figure 1. 3D city model with overlaid trajectory from mobile 
Figure 2. Point cloud from mobile TLS aligned with virtual city 
Figure 3. Lindenmuseum, Stuttgart: point cloud from TLS 
aligned with existing coarse building model

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