CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
Figure 8. Road parts extracted in subset 1 with DSM ( yellow).
Figure 9. Road parts extracted in subset 2 with DSM (yellow).
Figure 10. Road parts extracted in subset 3 with DSM (yellow).
Compared to the visual impression of the extracted roads, the
completeness and correctness values are relatively low. The
computed correctness suffers from leakage at the borders of the
road parts and from the fact that pavements, which are often
extracted as roads, are not included in the reference data. The
computed completeness would also be increased by
constructing road parts corresponding to the gap edges that
were accepted in subgraph evaluation.
Figure 11. Road subgraphs (with DSM), subset 1. Different
colours represent different road subgraphs.
Figure 12. Road subgraph evaluation (with DSM), subset 1.
In this paper, an approach for the extraction of roads in
suburban areas was presented, with the focus on a comparison
between the extraction results achieved for image data alone
and the results achieved for using a DSM as an additional
information source. Our results show that the approach is
suitable for the extraction of roads in suburban areas. The
majority of roads can be detected even without a DSM, though
there is a relatively high number of false positives, mostly
buildings. Using a DSM improves both the completeness and
the correctness of the results, primarily because buildings can
now be clearly separated from roads. The correctness is
improved because buildings are not extracted as false positives.
The completeness is improved because incorporating the DSM
into the grouping process provides a better grouping result from
which more road parts can be extracted. Without a DSM, there
are more subgraphs containing several branches, so that the
importance of the subgraph evaluation is higher. The potential
to find the real course of the road based on an optimisation of
the interrelations between the road parts is shown in Figures 6
and 7. Subgraph evaluation can thus compensate for the lack of
height information in the road part extraction stage. However,
the improvement caused by using the height information in the
grouping phase cannot be compensated. Road parts that remain
undetected due to a poor performance of grouping based on
image data alone cannot be detected at a later stage. Using a
DSM thus certainly improves the quality of the results. This can
be seen in particular for subset 3 (Fig. 5 vs. Fig. 10).
The road extraction process can still be improved in several
ways. The parameters used for grouping, road part extraction
and road subgraph generation could be learned from training
samples, which probably would improve stability in different
settings. The road extraction can also be improved by
incorporating context objects such as trees, buildings and
vehicles. It is planned to incorporate context objects into the
evaluation of the gaps within the subgraphs, combined with the