CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
other than as parallelogram (Fig.4, bottom row), but e.g.
trapezoid, common quadrilaterals, etc, due to unstable sampling
characteristics of LiDAR or clutter objects in urban areas. It is
difficult to decide whether it is actually a moving vehicle part
or a point set of stationary vehicle with missing parts. Generally,
these vehicle point sets confuse the shape analysis and deliverer
only ambiguous geometric features that cannot be adopted for
robust classification. Therefore, this category of vehicle point
sets have to be identified and then excluded from candidates
delivered to movement classification, which means that they
could be only attributed to uncertain motion status at the
moment. Those point sets are also undergone the same shape
analysis process and can be found when the parallelogram
fitting fails.
3.2 Movement classification
G at the identity e, T, , is called the Lie algebra g. The
exponential map exp is a mapping from Lie algebra elements to
Lie group elements. The inverse of the exponential map is
called logarithmic map log. The Lie algebra element of T is
obtained by performing component-wise log operation on each
of the M i :
flog W)
log(7’) =
l 0 • log (K)J
(\ 0^ (0 -l']
where log(A/ ( ) = a t I 1 + ^.1 I. Equation (1) expresses
the Lie algebra element of an individual spoke in terms of the
generator matrices for scaling and 2-d rotation factors.
As indicated in section 3.1, the point sets of extracted vehicle
can generally be denoted by spoke model with two parameters,
whose configuration is formulated as
'U '
x =
, u,=
i a i \
K E > J
where k denotes the number of spokes in the model. As inspired
by the works of Fletcher et al., (2003) and Yarlagadda et ah,
(2008), the 3D vehicle shape variability is nonlinear and
represented as a transformation space. Thus the similarity
between vehicle instances can be measured by group distance
metric. It has been also confirmed that Lie group PCA can
better describe the variability of data that is inherently nonlinear
and statistics on linear models may benefit from the addition of
nonlinear information. Since our task is intended to classify the
vehicle motion based on the shape features of vehicle point sets,
the classification framework for distinguishing generic vehicle
category can be easily adapted to motion analysis.
Consequently, a new vehicle configuration Y can be obtained
by a transformation of X written in matrix form: Y=T(X) where
f M, . 0 ^
r =
0 . M
, M' =
Rf o
0 e ai
, R, denotes the 2-d
k /
rotation acting on the angle of shear 0 SA . e“‘ denotes the scale
acting on the extent E. By varying T, different vehicle shape
(motion status) can be represented as transformations of X.
based on elaborations in Rossmann (2002), M i is a Cartesian
product of the scale and angle value groups 'R x SO(2), which
are the Lie group of 1-d real value and the Lie group of 2-d
rotation, respectively. Since the Cartesian product of Lie group
elements is a Lie group and T is the Cartesian product of
transformation matrices M acting on the individual spokes, T
forms a Lie group. The group T is a transformation group that
acts on shape parameters M. However, any vehicle shape X may
be represented in T as the transformation of a fixed identity
A group is defined as a set of elements together with a binary
operation (multiplication) satisfying the closure, associative,
identity and the inverse axioms. A Lie group G is a group
defined on differentiable manifold. The tangent space of group
The intrinsic mean p of a set of transformation matrices 7j ,
T 2 , T n of vehicle spoke models is defined as
p = argmin]Tt/(7j,r 2 ) 2 (2)
where denotes Riemannian distance on G, and
d(T t ,T 2 ) = ||log(7]' l 7’ 2 )|| where ||| is the Frobenius norm of the
resulting algebra elements. The 1-parameter Lie algebra
element of the spoke model of vehicle point sets is given by
(AS>) • o ^
A M =
v 0 ■ A«
where A r (/) = / log(Afy), denoting that the Lie algebra element
is defined at a fixed (a,.,#,) for each spoke, which represents
the tangent to a geodesic curve parameterized by /. The
parameter t in (3) sweeps out a 1-parameter sub-group, H v (t) of
the Lie group G of spoke transformations. For any g e G , the
distance between g and //,,(/) is defined as
d{g,H y ) = mind(g,exp[A v (/)]), (4)
Analogous to the principle components of a vector space, there
exist 1-parameter subgroups called the principle geodesic
curves (Fletcher et al., 2003) which describe the essential
variability of the data points lying on the manifold. The first
principle geodesic curve for elements of a Lie group G is
defined as the 1-parameter subgroup H tU (/), where
v (,) =argmin ^d 2 (fi~ l g„H v ) (5)
Let p n be the projection of p'g, on //,„ , and
define g <n = pjl/j-'gf. The higher A-th principle geodesic curve
can be determined recursively based on (5).
The motion analysis can then be formulated as a binary
classification problem using Lie distance metrics. The input to
the Lie distance classifier comprises a set of labeled samples
Tj from two categories of vehicle status C i - moving vehicles
and stationary ones. n Y denotes the number of training samples
for each category. The intrinsic mean p } and the principal
geodesics H Ul) are computed for each vehicle class C j using