Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation
In our approach, we assume that the majority of residential
houses have either one main section or multiple connected
sections, with additional smaller extensions, and that a partition
thereof can be properly derived from the outline polygon. Once
such a partition is found, a general geometrical description of
the roof can be constructed by assigning a parameterized
standard shape to each section. However, the difficulty to
generate correct facade and roof shapes from a partition
increases with the number, shape and arrangement of its
elements. We therefore generate a set of non-overlapping,
mostly quadrilateral shaped polygons that together approximate
the original footprint (cp. Figure 2). Other ground shapes may
also occur, but those primitives are then restricted to only bear
certain roof shapes.
Cell Decomposition
As referred to in (Foley et. al, 1996), a spatial partitioning
representation in solid modelling, where solids are decomposed
into nonintersecting, typically parameterized primitives, is
called cell decomposition.
Serving as the basis for the building reconstruction process, we
first of all generate such a partition for each building footprint.
As mentioned above, this is done solely from information found
in the building’s outline. The big challenge herein is to avoid
decomposing the area in too many small cells, for which it
becomes increasingly difficult to reconstruct a well-shaped roof,
especially if the building outline is very detailed and consists of
many short line sections (see Figure 4). So instead of using all
the available lines from the outline polygon and infinitely
extend them to split the footprint, an adequate subset must be
found that results in a set of primitives that together reflects
well the characteristic shape of the building. However, the
resulting outline will not be identical to the original one, but
rather be a generalization thereof. So to best resemble the
outline, the set of decomposition lines should approximate well
the original points and line segments.
Figure 2. Building footprint and its decomposition into cells.
The roof is then reconstructed by determining a shape for each
cell from the LIDAR points with regard to the neighbour cells
(cp. Figure 3). After identifying the points inside a cell, the
normal vectors from the local regression planes of the points are
tested against all possible shapes. Here, only the orientation is
used to speed up comparing the many shapes we support. The
one that best fits is then chosen and its parameters estimated
from the 3D point coordinates. Cells whose neighbour
configurations suggest comer-, t- and cross-junctions are
examined again and replaced if a junction shape can be fitted
according to the neighbour shapes and parameters.
Figure 4. Cell decomposition of a building footprint using all
line segments of the outline and only an averaged subset.
Our algorithm for generating cell decompositions from given
outlines has been thoroughly described in the context of 3D
building generalization (see e.g. (Kada, 2007)). But instead of
generating 3D decomposition planes from the facade polygons
of a 3D building model, the 2D decomposition lines are now
generated from the 2D outline.
In a nutshell, the line segments are grouped into subsets of
“parallel” lines that are pair wise a maximum distance away
from each other. This is the generalization distance, which
means in this context, that the cells resulting from the footprint
partitioning will not have sides that are shorter than this length.
Line segments are considered parallel if the angle between their
directions is below an angle threshold. This allows for a better
generalization of connected line segments and therefore helps to
keep the number of generated cells low. For each subset of line
segments, the associated decomposition line is computed by
averaging the line equations of its elements. Short line segments
of arbitrary direction, but whose endpoints are both closer to
the decomposition line than the parallel line segments, are
associated with this subset, but will not contribute to the
averaging of this or any other decomposition line.
For example, the green line segments on the left side of Figure
5 are considered parallel under the chosen angle threshold of 15
degrees. The added perpendicular distance of any two endpoints